
Critics of Biden as being a ‘progressive’ are mistaken.

Eric Zuesse The difference between “progressive” and “liberal” gets to the core of what politics in the real world is actually about, and of whether the nation is being controlled by the public (a democracy), or instead is controlled by the tiny percentage of the population who are enormously wealthy (an aristocracy — a capitalistic […]

Which U.S. President Was Worse: Obama, Or Trump?

Which U.S. President Was Worse: Obama, Or Trump? Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture On December 17th, Gallup headlined “Biden Inherits a Battered U.S. Image Abroad”. The Pew surveys have found the same thing: In almost all countries surveyed, other than Poland, public approval of America’s leadership plunged when Trump replaced Obama, and that […]

How U.S. Government Paid-Off Its Super-Rich

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture On December 14th, two excellent news-reports were belatedly published about some of the massive corruption that was behind the initial U.S. federal coronavirus-relief law, the CARES Act, and about U.S. Senators of both Parties now intending to include such corruption in the next one. (NOTE: This present news-report […]

Obama and the Death of Idealism

French version Italian version Catalonian version American Conservative, December 3, 2020 Barack Obama and the Death of Idealism Obama’s deception and warmongering killed the “hope and change” he promised on the campaign trail. We shouldn’t be sad to see them go. by  James Bovard Americans are sickened of an “idealism that is oblique, confusing, dishonest, […]
The post Obama and the Death of Idealism appeared first on James Bovard.

How the Billionaires Control American Elections

Eric Zuesse, originally posted at Strategic Culture
The great investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald gave an hour-long lecture on how America’s billionaires control the U.S. Government, and here is an edited summary of its opening twenty minutes (the best part of it), with key quotations and assertions from its opening — and then its broader context will be discussed briefly: