
Washington Wants an Arctic Circle of Confrontation

In an interview published in The Economist on November 7, President Macron was reported as stating that the US-NATO military alliance is suffering from “brain death.” In relation to international affairs, the article notes that “Mr Macron thinks Europe can best establish its global influence as a power that mediates between the gorillas of China and the United States.

The Art of the Flank: India and Other Asian Nations Join the Polar Silk Road

The best partnerships occur when all participants have special talents to bring to the relationship which makes a whole more powerful than the sum of its parts. This is the beauty of the multipolar alliance formed by Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and a growing array of Asian, African and South American statesmen in recent years.

Washington’s Arctic Antics

The Pentagon’s recent Report to Congress on Arctic Strategy makes it clear that the US considers the region as “US homeland” and therefore “When necessary and appropriate, the United States will challenge excessive maritime claims in the Arctic to preserve the rules-based international order and the rights and freedoms of the international community in navigation and overflight, as well as for other, related high seas uses.”

“Biological Annihilation”: The Danger of Opening Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to Oil & Gas Drilling

The Trump administration is pushing the drilling at a time when climate change is permanently altering the Arctic and devastating local communities. The plan calls for the creation of landing strips, drill pads, pipeline supports, a seawater treatment plant, 175 miles of roads, and other infrastructure in Alaska’s north coast.

Washington’s New Cold War to Control the Arctic

(Image Source: New Statesman)
It should go without saying that the Arctic is one of the most coveted regions rich in terms resources, with fish, gas, oil, and minerals and more. A unipolar hegemon would require control of such a zone. Unfortunately for Washington, they have fallen far behind other countries like Russia, Norway, and China. As result, US hawks are now kicking and screaming, and scheming.