
Les principes du pouvoir – L’empire, la propagande et l’apocalypse

« The Power Principle » est une série documentaire en trois volets réalisée par Scott Noble. Cette série nous montre les conséquences et stratégies de l’impérialisme Américain, conséquence de l’idéologie capitaliste. Parmi les principaux sujets abordés, vous retrouverez notamment la géopolitique du pétrole, le corporatisme ou la fusion de l’État avec les entreprises, le néocolonialisme ainsi que la mondialisation et ses […]

September was Supposed to be Big… well Brace Yourselves Because its Not Over Yet

The Blood Moon has millions of people from all races, religions, nationalities, ethnic, cultural and economic backgrounds on edge, many maybe just curiosity seekers but many more fearing there may be something to the predictions and superstitions that foresee this very Blood Moon as a sign of the Beginning of the End. In Utah, Mormons…

Is Ammo a More Secure Investment and Means of Barter than Gold or Silver?

While many people have bought precious metals for moderate profits and even some losses over the last year, guns and ammo keep going up, as for the example in chart 1A, which shows Smith and Wesson nearly doubling in price since last year. However, even more interesting is to note that over the last two years, Ruger’s stock…
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A Hazmat-Trained Hospital Worker Tells what No One Else is Telling About Ebola

Hazmat-trained hospital worker admits virus mutated, but claims average American has nothing to fear. Though the Hazmat-trained hospital worker, Abby Norman, admits that the virus has mutated, she claims that the average  American has nothing to worry about. Abby, who has made it her mission to educate the public about Ebola believes its all about safety precautions…

Unethical Sensationalist Bloggers and YouTubers Capitalize on Russian and Chinese Fears of US Military Attack

Please, don’t pay any attention to the fear mongering sensationalists posting headlines like; “OFFICIAL WARNING – U S to hit RUSSIA with FIRST STRIKE – PREPARE NOW“ These people are only wanting to scare you for website hits and YouTube views. Although there is a kernel of truth to these type of headlines, they have been…

Ebola Outbreak: Pandemic Apocalypse or Hyped-up Sensationalism?

At 1,200 cases and 700 deaths, this is the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history. With over 1,200 cases and almost 700 deaths in the countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia, this Ebola outbreak could possibly become the next great pandemic. Known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever (Ebola HF) is a severe and many times fatal disease in humans and nonhuman…

Strategic Relocation Brief: A 5 Star Rated State for Your Survival Retreat

Editor’s Note: The following article comes to us from our friends at Strategic Relocation and has been contributed by well known relocation specialist Joel Skousen. As is usually the case with Mr. Skousen’s highly informative briefs, this one touches on some key points to be digested by anyone looking to leave the big city in search of greener…

10 Doomsday Survival Threats even Preppers are not Prepared For

Survival will be your one and only priority! When planning for a economic and social collapse scenario, one thing’s for sure; Survival will become the biggest challenge of your life. We are now talking about survival of the fittest! The rules you’ve lived by up to now no longer apply. Here are 10 things you or hardly any other…

Several US Government Agencies have Zombie Apocalypse Survival Plans: are You Prepared for the Walking Dead?

Zombies will be Your Neighbors, Friends and Family who didn’t Prepare for Societal Collapse Who will Kill You for Food, Water and other Supplies when the SHTF   Few people know that the CDC actually maintains a prepper blog, maintained by their Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, which includes a Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse plan. In fact,…