Apartheid state

On Israel as an Apartheid State: an Interview with Richard Falk

[Prefatory Note: An interview David Falcone originally published in COUNTERPUNCH prompted by the Amnesty Report but extending beyond it.] FEBRUARY 11, 2022 On Israel as an Apartheid State: an Interview with Richard Falk BY DANIEL FALCONE FacebookTwitterRedditEmail Photograph Source: Chris Yunker – CC BY 2.0 Daniel Falcone: Could you give the context of the framework that brought […]


[PREFATORY NOTE: The Declaration on Apartheid below is an initiative initiated by the wellknown Tunisian mathematician, Ahmed Abbes, and endorsed by scholars and artists worldwide. If impressed please distribute widely as there is a campaign underway to reach 1,000 signatures.] Declaration on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid in Historic Palestine 6 […]

50,000 Palestinian Children Imprisoned by Israeli Kangaroo Courts Since 1967

JERUSALEM — According to figures released by the Prisoners’ and Freed Prisoners’ Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) on Sunday, the state of Israel has imprisoned more than 50,000 children since the occupation of Palestine’s West Bank began in 1967. The PLO report, which was cited by Middle East Monitor, also noted that around 17,000 of those child arrests had occurred since the year 2000.