
Dear “Jewish Voice for Peace”

Dear “Jewish Voice for Peace”I have decided not to work with you because my central tenet is that Talmudism is the root of racism and you have chosen to repeatedly associate yourself with people who advocate for the Talmud Bavli, Mishneh Torah, Shulchan Aruch and similar genocidal, anti-gentile rabbinic ideology.I am particularly sensitive to the long history of anti-goyim oppression which is at the root of the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. I must hold the line against the false assumption that Talmudism is not racism.— Michael Hoffman

Rabbi Ovadia’s Record of Hate Speech Sanitized by the Media

Rabbi Ovadia’s Record of Hate Speech is Sanitized by the Mainstream MediaBy Michael Hoffman www.revisionisthistory.orgIn a speech on June 24, 1984 upon his return to America from Libya, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Chicago-based Nation of Islam, referred to Judaism as a "dirty religion." (The media often claim that he said Judaism was a “gutter religion”).