Anti-Defamation League

Cultures of Hate: Israelis, not Palestinians, Excel at Vengeance

Photo above: Nasser Shyoukhi     Jewish settlers attack elderly Palestinian woman while Israeli troops stand around and do nothing. From Hebron

As Human Rights Watch warned, Israel’s recent actions – mass arrests; armed raids; the killing of Palestinians, including minors; lockdowns of cities, house demolitions; and air strikes – amounted to “collective punishment”, international law’s euphemism for revenge, against Palestinians.


Actor Gary Oldman faces tribal backlash

The Zionist Anti-Defamation League and their mouthpieces in the mass media verbally assailed Gary Oldman for this lone remark about Jewish control of the movie business and what he sees as the hypocrisy of the Jewish establishment who have expressed clear prejudices against Germans while policing every little negative remark about Jews in the public sphere.


By Brandon Martinez

No hate crime charge for Zionists who assaulted Black man

No Hate Crime When Judaics Beat Up Black HomosexualBy Ted Pike29 April 2014NOT A HATE CRIME? Taj Patterson was blinded in one eye in Brooklyn, New York by “shomrim” (Judaic private militia) who are Hasidic followers of the Talmud Government officials described the recent alleged murder of three non-Jews in Kansas by former KKK leader Frazier Glenn Cross as a “hate crime”—though no Jews were killed. His intention to kill Jews, said officials, is enough for indictment under the federal Matthew Shephard Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

NSA, Israel, GVEs, Hasbara, and Gun Massacres in the USA and Beyond

Why would US leaders, lawmakers, intelligence and law enforcement agency administrators allow foreign intelligence and espionage agencies and their front companies unfettered, unexamined, long-term access to vast audiences of American children and young adults? And does not that question represent legitimate and vital concerns regarding privacy, public health, public safety, and national security?