Anti-Defamation League

Anti-antisemitism, Thought-control Bill moves through Congress

Eight years of legislative constipation suddenly ends when it comes to Congress’ preferred constituency By Denis R. O’Brien | Dissident Voice | December 9, 2016 Apparently American Jews, although they comprise only about 2% of the American population, send so many shekels to Congress that when a bill benefiting them comes up, Congress drops everything […]

Argentina: A Case Study of Israel’s Zionist-Wall Street Destabilization Campaign

By James Petras | April 27, 2015 A recent article by Jorge Elbaum, the former executive director of DAIA (Delegation for Argentine Jewish Associations), the principle Argentine Jewish umbrella groups, published in the Buenos Aires daily Pagina 12, provides a detailed account of the damaging links between the State of Israel, US Wall Street speculators, […]

Argentina: A Case Study of Israel’s Zionist-Wall Street Destabilization Campaign

A recent article by Jorge Elbaum, the former executive director of DAIA (Delegation for Argentine Jewish Associations), the principle Argentine Jewish umbrella groups, published in the Buenos Aires daily Pagina 12, provides a detailed account of the damaging links between the State of Israel, US Wall Street speculators, and local Argentine Zionists in government and out.

Top Jewish Non-Profit Heads Leading Iran Sanctions Call

By Marsha B. Cohen | LobeLog | December 19, 2013 The Forward recently released its annual list of top-earning heads of Jewish non-profit organizations and the results of an independent analysis revealing not only that they earned more than the top leadership of non-Jewish nonprofits, but that several were egregiously overpaid. Not noted by the analysts is […]

Anti-Defamation League creates blacklist of groups that link Ferguson to Palestine

By Cecilie Surasky | MuzzleWatch | December 1, 2014 Wow. The ADL below considers the photo below a hateful message. File this under “You can’t make this up.” Abe Foxman, whose $688,000 annual salary makes him one of the most over-paid pro-Israel lobbyists in the country, recently embarrassed himself (again) by actually releasing a press […]