Anti-Conversion Laws in India

Thousands Join The Campaign Against Anti-Conversion Laws In India

Many prominent citizens in India demanded for a Repeal of All Anti-Conversion Laws in India, in the context of the Anti-Conversion Bill scheduled to be tabled in Karnataka Upper House on February 14, 2022. The initial signatories for the Petition to the President of India included nationally well known citizens like Admiral L Ramdas ( Former Chief of Naval Staff of[Read More...]

 95 Organisations Resist Anti-Conversion Laws through a Poster Campaign

Ninety-five organisations have endorsed the poster campaign against the Anti-Conversion Laws in India. We request you to circulate, release and share the material. Karnataka Legislative Assembly has passed the Anti-Conversion Bill despite stiff opposition from the opposition parties. However, it is not yet tabled in the upper house to make it a law. The Anti-Conversion Law affects Christians, Muslims, Dalits,[Read More...]

Freedom of Religion Bill is an Instrument of Hindu Rashtra

The anti-conversion law in India is a double-edged sword: a step towards Hindu Rashtra perpetuating caste supremacy The Freedom of Religion Act known as anti-conversion law in India is a double edged sword. Its twin objectives are establishment of Hindu Rashtra and it perpetuates caste supremacy. The minorities, dalits and adivasis constitute nearly 40% of India’s population; of which Dalit[Read More...]

Understanding India’s ‘Anti-Conversion’ Laws

India is home to multiple religious beliefs and practices, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism and Judaism. In the past, the country has been known for not only its diversity but also tolerance. It is widely believed that because of this tolerance, religions that originated in other countries/regions flourished in India. However, the use of religion in political[Read More...]