
An Independent Perspective from the Rally in Burns by an Anonymous Activist

It was a blistering cold day as we arose at 6:30 to head to Burns, Oregon.  We had never physically protested before, but this case was different.  It was clear to any lay person reading the information that the Feds (and the various agencies involved) were out to take Hammond's property, any way they had to.
As the drive went on, I realized I had never really cared about what it meant to see or understand what a healthy range of land looked like. I was raised a city girl, and while I had some limited exposure to horses, I never really had time or took the time to ponder it all.

Conséquences de l’état d’urgence : un citoyen belge placé en centre de rétention pour migrants

L’instauration de l’état d’urgence en France, à la suite des attentats du 13 novembre dernier, a donné aux « forces de l’ordre » une grande latitude pour appliquer les règles sécuritaires qui en ont découlé: perquisitions intempestives, arrestations arbitraires, plus grande fermeté, voire violence, de la part des officiers assermentés de la force publique.

Anti-Establishmentarianism Escalates

In America, a nascent movement against “politics as usual” or to put it another way, “anything other than the establishment” is reflected by the popularity of weird, offbeat presidential candidates like Donald Trump and Ben Carson. This looming national mood reflects a provocative anti-establishmentarianism, targeting exploitative and repressive neoliberal governmental policies.

Organizing without Organization

The internet has been called the largest experiment in anarchy. All online interaction seems to reflect this reality, and it is already necessary to respect it if one wishes to thrive online in terms of business or politics. In political terms, the internet drastically elevated the positions of common citizens, “hacktivists”, and even social movements.