
UN: Legalizing Israeli Settlements ‘Step Towards Annexation Of West Bank’

A Jewish settler looks at the West bank settlement of Maaleh Adumim, from the E-1 area on the eastern outskirts of Jerusalem.
United Nations envoy for the Middle East Nickolay Mladenov released a statement yesterday warning that Israel’s “formalisation law” which seeks to retrospectively legalese illegal outposts in the occupied West Bank would be “a step towards the annexation of the West Bank”.

Millions of Arabs Will Return

After the collapse of the Israel-Palestine talks in April, and the creation of a National Unity government in Palestine on June 2, Israel reacted harshly. A Smash and Grab policy was immediately announced by government ministers.
Expectedly, the following day, the expansion of West Bank Jewish settlements was announced. Less expected was the disclosure by settlers of an ongoing Scare and Rule campaign.
Bar Lev Line

2014: Failure of Palestinian Authority, BDS Success to Continue

2013 was a year in which the so-called peace process charade was allowed to continue, leading Palestinians on yet another futile journey of broken promises. Meanwhile, the Israeli colonial project in the West Bank and East Jerusalem carried on unabated. But it was not entirely a year of doom and gloom either, for the global boycott campaign (BDS) has taken off like never before, surpassing the capricious Palestinian leadership and its confined political platforms.

(Un)holy River

So here comes John Kerry again, for the umpteenth time (but who is counting?) to make peace between us and the Palestinians.
It is a highly laudable effort. Unfortunately, it is based on a false premise. To wit: that the Israeli government wants peace based on the two-state solution.
Unwilling – or unable – to recognize this simple truth, Kerry looks for a way around. He tries approaches from different directions, in the hope of convincing Binyamin Netanyahu. In his imagination he hears Netanyahu exclaim: “Now, why didn’t I think of that?!”