Angela Merkel

Istanbul Summit: Frozen conflict in Idlib, and Erdogan’s two front war (Video)

The recent Istanbul Summit on Syria showcases that the plan to peace in Syria is fraught with difficulty.
The end to the Assad regime change war appears to be over, but Turkey, Russia, and the United States are jockeying for power in a post war Syria.
The EU is desperate to plug up the migrant crisis they created by helping to dismantle Syria.
Divergent interests brought together the leaders of Russia, Turkey, France and Germany in Istanbul, in an effort to piece together a compromise to deal with a broken and fragmented Syria.

BREAKING: Angela Merkel will not seek re-election as CDU party chair in Germany

After suffering yet another election defeat, this time in Hesse elections, German Chancellor Angela Merkel looks to be calling it quits.
Meanwhile the conservative AfD enters parliament as their support throughout Germany continues to grow.
The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party gained seats in Hesse and now holds parliamentary seats in every single German state, according to exit polls.

Putin, Merkel, Macron and Erdogan meet in Istanbul to broker a deal in Syria (Video)

Talks over the future of Syria took place in Istanbul, Turkey, with the leaders of Russia, Turkey, Germany, and France meeting to discuss the Syrian peace process in a new contact group format.
Missing from the contact group, the United States, as well as President of Assad of Syria…who knows that Vladimir Putin will represent his interests within the contact group.
With Syrian reconciliation on the table,  Erdogan opened the summit saying, “the whole world is watching this meeting. I hope, that the hopes will be met.”

Angela Merkel suffers stinging defeat in CDU vote (Video)

Volker Kauder, a close ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the last 13 years, has been sent packing as head of her party’s parliamentary group in an inner-party ballot.
Guenther Oettinger, who’s also one of the leading figures in the Christian Democratic Union, noted that Merkel is losing her power within the CDU party. “This is normal, she’s a lame duck,” he said in an interview.