Angela Merkel

Emmanuel Macron stands in the way of Theresa May’s Brexit delay (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris take a look at Theresa May’s request to the EU to grant a Brexit extension until the end of June. The European Union appears to be split over how to respond to the UK PM’s extension request.
In the UK, May’s negotiations with Corbyn and Labour, on finding ways to bridge the gap between their respective Brexit deals, appears to have faltered.
May’s fragile grip on power has now been fully exposed for UK MPs and EU oligarchs to contemplate, as the no deal, April deadline fast approaches.

Schaeuble, Greece and the lessons learned from a failed GREXIT (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris examine a recent interview with the Financial Times given by Wolfgang Schäuble, where the former German Finance Minister, who was charged with finding a workable and sustainable solution to the Greek debt crisis, reveals that his plan for Greece to take a 10-year “timeout” from the eurozone (in order to devalue its currency and save its economy) was met with fierce resistance from Brussels hard liners, and Angela Merkel herself.

Germany starts to pull away from U.S. orbit, and towards Eurasia (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the Munich Security Conference, and Angela Merkel’s stunning defiance of Mike Pence, after the United States Vice President urged Germany to cease its economic activities with Russia and China, starting with Nord Stream 2 and the deepening energy links to Russia.
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Macron pisses off Merkel as he tries to sabotage Nord Stream 2 pipeline (Video)

The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss an EU compromise for Nord Stream 2 where EU member states, the EU Parliament, and its Commission will give the bloc more oversight on gas pipelines, with one caveat…the Nord Stream 2 project with Russia will not be threatened by the new regulations in the agreement.
Macron pushed hard to have the new regulations include (and derail) Nord Stream 2, an action which annoyed Angela Merkel, who eventually got her way and delivered another blow to Macron’s failing French presidency.

Analysis: Schrödinger’s Brexit

With only weeks to go to Brexit’s target date, there is deadlock in the British parliament, recriminations on both sides, and, writes Russell Merryman, a growing realisation that what was promised might be impossible to deliver.
Anti-Brexit sentiment is growing as the deadline for Article 50 approaches [MERRYMAN]
We’ve all heard of the thought experiment involving a cat and a piece of radioactive material locked together in a box, the decaying material could, at any moment, give off an atomic particle which would kill the cat.