Angela Merkel

Western Unity against Russia a Masterpiece of Illusion

by Finian Cunningham
When US President Barack Obama opened his tour of Europe this week it had the unmistakable choreography of a scripted set piece: lights, camera, action etc. The storyline is a familiar trope. America, the shining beacon of democracy and human rights, comes to the rescue of European damsels in distress just before they are ravaged by bestial European recidivism for war.

Merkel not ready to back economic sanctions against Russia

RT | March 27, 2014

The West has not yet reached a stage where it will be ready to impose economic sanctions on Russia, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, stressing that she hopes for a political solution to the stalemate over Ukraine crisis.
The chancellor said she is “not interested in escalation” of tensions with Russia, speaking after Wednesday meeting with the South Korean president in Berlin.

Revelations on Rafik Hariri’s Assassination

All the conflicts rocking the Middle East today crystallize around the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL). Peace hinges on it, and so does war. For some, the STL should bring about the dissolution of the Hezbollah, quell the Resistance and establish a Pax Americana. Others consider that the STL is flouting the law and subverting the truth to ensure the takeover of a new colonial order in the region.

Edward Snowden: Stay where you are!

Hans-Christian Stroebele has just landed a perfect political coup by visiting Snowden in Moscow. Even the NSA, CIA and the other 15 spy agencies of the U. S. were caught by surprise, not to speak of the dozy German Federal Intelligence Service (BND). Stroebele’s visit has sparked an intense debate over the question whether Snowden should testify in front of a parliamentary investigation committee of the German Parliament in Germany or be heard in Russia. This question has been coupled with the granting of asylum for Snowden.

Brazil, Germany submit anti-spy resolution to UN

Press TV – November 1, 2013

An anti-spying draft resolution written by Germany and Brazil has been submitted to the United Nations amid the US surveillance scandal.
The draft resolution put forward on Friday would reaffirm “the right to privacy and not to be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy, family, home or correspondence.”

German Chancellor Merkel on NSA spy list since 2002 – reports

RT | October 26, 2013

The German Chancellor’s mobile phone has been on an NSA target list since 2002 and was code-named “GE Chancellor Merkel”, according to Der Spiegel. The paper also reports that President Obama assured Merkel that he did not know her phone was tapped.
The monitoring operation was still in force even a few weeks before Obama’s visit to Berlin in June 2013.

NSA Spying Scandal, TTIP and German Collaborators

Germany Ruled by the Atlantik-Brücke
While Germany’s two largest parties, the center-right Christian Democrats (CDU /CSU) led by Angela Merkel and the center-left Social Democrats (SPD), are negotiating terms to form a so-called “grand coalition” for the third time in history, one major policy is already predetermined, the strong transatlantic partnership with the United States.