Angela Merkel

German government says it has no proof Russia trying to hack upcoming elections

RT | December 30, 2016 German government has officially admitted that it has no solid evidence that Russia is planning to interfere into the Germany’s upcoming federal parliamentary elections in 2017 as it answered a request from an MP amid ongoing anti-Russian hysteria. All accusations against Russia concerning its potential meddling with the German parliamentary […]

Angela Merkel Plans to Fine Social Media Sites $522,000 per Day for “Fake News”

21st Century Wire says…
Germany considers legal means to fine social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter $522,000 per day for leaving  so called “fake news” online on their services. Angela Merkel has made yet another poor move in pushing for suppression of free speech (globally) via financial blackmail to be levied upon social media sites. 

It’s Beginning to Smell a Lot Like Totalitarianism, and I Don’t Mean Russia

By F. William Engdahl – New Eastern Outlook – 13.12.2016 If we smell precisely the stench of the totality of steps taken in NATO countries in recent months, especially in the United States and the European Union, we can smell the stench of totalitarian rule or some would call it, fascism, being quietly imposed on […]

Angela Merkel, desperate to stay in power, is now claiming Russian hackers are ready to attack Germany’s 2017 elections

By Alex Christoforou | The Duran | December 12, 2016 Remember when the Obama administration spied on German media as well as the German government, and specifically Angela Merkel. The Duran remembers. In 2015 CNN‘s Jake Tapper reported… An investigation by the German parliament is raising questions on whether the Obama administration not only spied on journalists in […]