Angela Merkel

Germany’s Angela Merkel vows to fight Donald Trump, and challenge his “Make America Great Again” mission

David Cameron, gone. Hillary Clinton, gone. Hollande, almost gone, Barack Obama, almost gone.
Angel Merkel is the last neo-liberal, globalist leader standing…and the German Chancellor says she is ready to take on Trump and fight for the rights of the 0.1%.
We predict that it will only be a matter of time before Merkel also falls victim to the wave of patriotic nationalism that is sweeping across the western world.

Donald Trump’s interview: a red light to Angela Merkel, the EU and NATO; a green light to Russia

Donald Trump’s interview, published by The London Times and Bild-Zeitung, showed him once again the classic deal maker, playing his cards very close to his chest – a point by the way he made himself repeatedly during the interview.
The single most interesting comments in the interview were made about Germany and Russia.
In that context, Angela Merkel will be shocked to learn that Trump trusts Vladimir Putin as much as he trusts her – which is to say not at all

German opposition needs Sahra Wagenknecht to defeat Angela Merkel

By Sergey Gladysh | The Duran | January 16, 2017 The reign of Germany’s Angela Merkel can only be stopped if leftists and social democrats unite behind a candidate like Sahra Wagenknecht, says renowned German journalist and politician Ralph Niemeyer. The following is an exclusive interview with Ralph Niemeyer for The Duran. Questions are italicized […]

Is Merkel planning to continue EU anti-Russian line despite Trump?

By Alexander Mercouris | The Duran | January 7, 2017 As Donald Trump clearly signals change of course, some EU leaders – possibly including Angela Merkel – cling to their anti-Russian policies. The French commentator Natalie Nougayrède has written an extraordinary piece in The Guardian, which hints that even if Donald Trump lifts US sanctions […]

Italy’s growing opposition to anti-Russian sanctions

If the European Union was simply a way of easing trade barriers between 27/28 (Brexit depending) countries in a compact continent, it would have a great deal of merit. But because the tin-pot imperialists of Brussels think they can transform the EU into an empire that speaks with one voice, tensions are inevitable. Renewed sanctions against Russia have exposed these tensions and weakened various EU economies whilst having little impact on Russia.