Angela Merkel

Trump Handed Germany’s Merkel $375 Billion Invoice For NATO Defense

President Donald Trump meets with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Friday, March 17, 2017. (AP/Evan Vucci)
A couple of weeks ago we wrote several notes about German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s painfully awkward visit to the White House.  After meeting in private, the pair sat down in the oval office for a brief press conference where you could cut the tension with a knife.  At one point someone from the media asked for a handshake but the request was promptly ignored.

Wird Angela Merkel die Lügen von Elie Wiesel übernehmen, insbesondere die über die Vernichtung der Juden in Auschwitz durch Feuer und nicht durch Gas?

Am 24. April 2017 wird Angela Merkel, Kanzlerin der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und ehemaliges Mitglied der kommunistischen Jugendbewegung in der seinerzeitigen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, den Elie-Wiesel-Preis annehmen, der ihr vom Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington (s. auch Angela Merkel erhält Elie-Wiesel-Auszeichnung 2017,, 23.

Angela Merkel va-t-elle cautionner les mensonges d’Elie Wiesel et, notamment, son mensonge de l’extermination des juifs, à Auschwitz, par le feu et non par le gaz ?

Le lundi 24 avril 2017, Mme Angela Merkel, chancelière de la République fédérale allemande et ancien membre des Jeunesses communistes au temps de la République démocratique allemande, recevra le prix Elie Wiesel qui lui sera décerné par l’Holocaust Memorial Museum de Washington (voyez USA: le musée de l’Holocauste va remettre le prix Elie Wiesel à Angela Merkel, i24NEWS, 23 mars 2017).  Elie Wiesel, décédé l’an dernier, était ce « grand faux t

Is Angela Merkel going to endorse Elie Wiesel’s lies and, particularly, his lie of the extermination of the Jews at Auschwitz by fire and not by gas?

On Monday, April 24, 2017, Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany and former member of the Communist “Free German Youth” in the German Democratic Republic, will receive the Elie Wiesel Award from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington (see German Chancellor Merkel to Receive Museum’s 2017 Elie Wiesel Award, USHMM press release of March 23).Elie Wiesel, who died last year, was the “prominent false witness”

Merkel turning toward Moscow? Bavaria’s governor leads huge German delegation to Russia

Besides French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen’s surprise meeting with Vladimir Putin today, another important meeting between German leaders and Russia’s president happened last week, but has gone almost unreported outside German media.
Bavarian governor Horst Seehofer, who holds a powerful position in German politics, visited Moscow on March 16th, bringing with him a massive delegation of German political and business leaders.

Handshakegate: Trump did shake Merkel’s hand, yet media goes berserk (VIDEO)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent meeting with Donald Trump in Washington doesn’t appear to have been highly productive.
Though publicly cordial, Merkel staked out a position against Trump during his campaign on virtually every big issue he ran on: immigration, trade, and foreign policy.
Merkel now faces one of two choices: either try to walk back and stay onboard with the new Trump White House, or try to lead Europe alone in continued pursuit of the globalist agenda.

A Greek perspective on Donald Trump, Brexit, and media hysteria

It’s a typical winter’s evening in Athens. This has been a cold winter, and the air is brisk. And wherever I go, the sweet smell of “success” is in the air. By “success” I am referring to none other than the vaunted “European dream,” and the “success story” of the Greek economy, as described by Greece’s former prime minister Antonis Samaras in late 2014, and as often repeated—even if not in those exact terms—by Greece’s “first time left” prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, far more recently.

ERDOGAN: Europeans ‘Would Revive Gas Chambers If They Weren’t Ashamed’

21st Century Wire says…
The inflammatory, baiting commentary of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continued today where he has once again compared Europe to Nazi’s saying that they “would revive gas chambers” if they weren’t ashamed.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel was also in the firing line at todays rally in Istanbul with Erdogan accusing her of ‘Nazi practices’.

From #NoHandshakeGate to NATO spending, the Trump – Merkel meeting was epic

The Donald Trump – Angela Merkel had its moments.
First we had #NoHandshakeGate, where the press corp kept pushing for a handshake between the two leaders.

Second we had the Trump zinger to Obama, in reference to the wiretap scandal…where the US President, when asked about claims that British intelligence assisted the Obama administration in wiretapping Trump Tower, told German Chancellor Angela Merkel, “at least we have something in common, perhaps.”