Angela Merkel

Guess what Silvio Berlusconi just said about Emmanuel Macron’s wife

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi offered some ‘mainly’ remarks for the new French President Emmanuel Macron.
When the 80 year old Berlusconi was asked about the young French leader he stated,
“39-year-old lad, with good work experience under him and most of all with a good-looking mom who has carried him under her arm when he was still a child”.
This was a reference to Macron’s wife Brigitte Marie-Claude Macron who is currently 64 years old. The two agreed to marry when Macron was 17.

Et Voilà – President Emmanuel Macron

21st Century Wire says…
Even with votes still being counted and the country under a ‘state of emergency’, Emmanuel Macron is France’s newest President.
At 39, Macron is the nations youngest President and faces huge challenges to heal a fractured and deeply divided country.
Only time will now tell if the pro European, ex Rothschild and self proclaimed ‘independent centrist’ will succeed in addressing France’s most critical issues at hand.

Angry Putin tells Merkel Ukraine’s Minsk peace process is all but dead

Russian President Vladimir Putin used his press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to make some of his harshest comments for some time about the situation in Ukraine, and to pronounce the Minsk process which is supposed to lead to a Ukrainian peace settlement all but dead.  He also came close to blaming Merkel for its failure.
In doing so President Putin, whilst continuing to give lip-service to the Minsk Agreement, all but admitted that the chance of it ever being implemented has gone

Putin and Merkel: Europe’s titans meet in Moscow

Angela Merkel met Vladimir Putin for the first time in Moscow in 2 years, her last visit there being a brief visit she made in 2015 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Victory In Europe.
Apart from that one meeting, which it was impossible politically for Merkel to avoid, Merkel’s visit to Moscow today is her first visit there since her negotiation with Putin in February 2015, which took place in the run-up to the signing of the Minsk Agreement.
Merkel has avoided to Moscow since then, and has signalled her disapproval of visits there by other German politicians.

Vladimir Putin blasts western hypocrisy while standing next to Angela Merkel

President Putin lambasted European leaders for their total lack of concern for the victims of the Odessa Massacre which took place three years ago today.
Standing next to Germany Chancellor Merkel, The Russian President reminded Merkel that,

“Ukrainian nationalists forced helpless people into the Trade Unions House and burned them alive.
The international community should never forget about this incident and never allow anything like it to happen in the future”

Theresa May “in another galaxy” on Brexit

As Britain gears up to a general election which everyone assumes the Conservative Party will win by a landslide, the British media today is full of a story of a meeting between British Prime Minister Theresa May and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, which is said to have gone disastrously badly, and which supposedly led to Juncker reporting to German Chancellor Merkel that May is “in another galaxy”.

European leaders see blond Bush not Obama redux

Under George Bush, Europe largely united against his war on Iraq in an extremely rare moment of unity. It hearkened back to the days of Charles de Gaulle in France and Willy Brandt in West Germany, two leaders for whom  US policy didn’t automatically dictate eidetic policies from the primary capitals of late 20th century non-Communist Europe.
Under Obama, leaders like Merkel, Sarkozy and later Hollande were more or less foreign policy mouthpieces of the White House. Britain traditionally followed the US throughout both the Bush and Obama presidencies.

Contre la tyrannie holocaustique, deux caricatures à savourer

SOUMISSIONCi-dessus, ces deux caricatures illustrent la tyrannie qu’exerce la religion de ce  prétendu « Holocauste » des juifs, parfois également appelé « Shoah ». La première caricature, sous-titrée « SERVILITÉ », nous montre Benyamin Nétanyahou qui, avec le sourire d’un homme sûr de son fait, glisse à Angela Merkel : « Il me faut plus de sous-marins d’attaque Dolphin … ».