Angela Merkel

Obama’s spoiler trip to Germany was disloyal and wrong

It should be said clearly that Barack Obama’s recent trip to Germany had no other purpose than to damage Donald Trump.
I say this because Obama’s visit to Berlin and his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel days before the NATO and G7 summit meetings was obviously intended to highlight Obama’s popularity in Germany and to contrast it with the unpopularity in Germany of Donald Trump.

The end of the Western Alliance? Angela Merkel’s colossal Munich blunder

As The Duran has written previously, US President Trump’s visit to NATO was a strained and unhappy affair, with European leaders made distinctly unhappy by Donald Trump’s transactional view of the alliance, as shown by his constant calls for its European members to increase their defence spending and his failure to reaffirm the US’s unequivocal commitment to come to Europe’s ‘defence’.

Angela Merkel tells Germany that depending on the US or UK is over (Video)

Speaking at a CDU election rally in Munich, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that Europe “must take its fate into its own hands.”
The AFP headline read…“Merkel warns US, Britain no longer reliable partners.”
Merkel, who has single-handedly destroyed most of the European Union in favor of globalist, neo-liberal values, knows full well that without US support Germany will never be able to assert its power over the rest of the EU.

Angela Merkel: Europe can no longer ‘depend’ on America

After a G7 summit in Italy which like most before it was rather useless, Angela Merkel has gone back to Germany to address her political party, the CDU, where she delivered the news that this useless summit was rather more painful for her than its predecessors.
Apparently the chasm in both style and substance between European leaders lead by Merkel and Donald Trump is as wide as was expected.
She told her audience,

“The times in which we could completely depend on others are on the way out. I’ve experienced that in the last few days”.

In Germany, Obama and Merkel set new standards of hypocrisy

The last few days were marked by a new high in hypocrisy. The prize goes to Barack Obama, who literally got the Prize of the German Media (Medienpreise in German) in Baden-Baden, southwestern Germany. Obama, under whose wise stewardship the world has seen the appearance of at least four new conflict zones with direct US involvement (Libya, Syria, Ukraine and Yemen) could be expected to show some modesty. After all, the people of Libya and Donbass might not have a very high opinion of his Nobel Peace Prize from 2010.

In “Watershed Moment” Merkel Says Germany Can No Longer Rely On America

(ZHEOne day after Donald Trump infuriated Angela Merkel and the rest of his G-7 peers, when the US president refused to endorse the Paris climate treaty, prompting the German chancellor to say  that “the whole discussion about climate has been difficult, or rather very unsatisfactory… here we have the situatio