Angela Merkel

UN deadlock on Ukraine peacekeepers

This article was first published by RussiaFeed
On 5th September 2017, during his press conference at the latest BRICS summit in China, President Putin of Russia unexpectedly announced a proposal for the UN Security Council to organise a lightly armed force of peacekeepers to provide protection to observers from the OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe) who are patrolling the contact line between the militia in the Donbass and the Ukrainian army.

German FDP leader calls on Germany to recognise Russian Crimea; end sanctions on Russia

Christian Lindner, the head of the German liberal FDP, has broken a taboo in German politics by saying that Germany should recognise Crimea as Russia as a “permanent provisional solution” and lift sanctions on Russia thereafter.

We have to get out of the dead-end situation.  To break a taboo, I fear that we must see the Crimea as a permanent provisional arrangement, at least for now.