Angela Merkel

Germany begs Russia to pick up the torch that US has dropped

Germany’s Foreign Minister, Heiko Maas, who has a history of expressing anti Russian rhetoric relevant to Russia’s presence in Syria as well as an alleged cyber attack on the German Foreign Ministry which Maas says that he ‘has to assume stemmed from Russia’, has turned an about face. He has traveled, for the first time, to Moscow to discuss international diplomacy, the Iran nuclear deal, peace talks on Ukraine, and Syria.

Vassals no longer: Merkel, Macron advocate European sovereignty

After travelling to Washington to convince US President Donald Trump to preserve the JCPOA Iran nuclear deal, and then watching Trump so casually disregarding not just America’s own international credibility but the interests of his European allies, who have invested so much actual and political capital into the Iran deal, French President Emmanuel Macron, following his reception of the Charlemagne prize, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have both condemned Trump’s maneuver while emphasizing the manner in which this demonstrates

The EU will not stand by Iran and the JCPOA. Here’s why.

Ever since Donald Trump’s announcement that the US would pull out of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (“JCPOA”) with Iran and would unilaterally impose across-the-board sanctions on that country, a procession of European leaders including the leaders of the US’s most powerful European allies – Britain, France and Germany – have publicly declared their intention to stand by the JCPOA.
There is also brave talk of the EU creating safeguards for European companies which in defiance of the US continue to trade or do business with Iran.

The Iran nuclear deal is ‘most likely’ headed for the waste bin, as members can’t convince Trump to stay

As a part of his strategy to unmake every achievement of the Obama administration, including the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Trump is taking no prisoners. The JCPOA was reached in 2015 with the P5+1 to offer economic sanctions relief to a throttled nuclear development program on the part of the Iranians.

France now considers striking Syria, Macron claims he has ‘proof’ Assad used chemical weapons

French President and US vassal, Emmanuel Macron, claims he has concrete evidence the Syrian government allegedly used chemical weapons in the Syrian city of Douma.
Macron is mulling over his own decision to strike Syria, promising to make a decision on whether or not to strike ‘when the time comes’, and promised that Paris would not allow for an “escalation” to take place in the region.