Angela Merkel

Former Congressman Ron Paul remarks on declining American global influence

As I’ve been commenting on America’s decline in influence, and the shifting of the poles of global power and influence, its been interesting to watch how these perspectives have been independently cropping up elsewhere. Lately, one of the most recent of these is a piece published by former American congressman Ron Paul at the Ron Paul Institute:

China, Germany relate their common interests

German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s visit to Beijing this week gives us some important details about what is moving the cogs of her foreign diplomatic and trade relations agenda. Merkel has several reasons, both politically and economically to make this journey.
First of all, China and Germany are both signatories to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran’s nuclear enrichment program, and both parties wish to see it preserved against Donald Trump’s American withdrawal and reimposition of crippling economic sanctions against the Middle Eastern country of 80 million.

Germany will ‘fight’ for its interests in face of Trump’s ‘America First’ policy, says Economic Minister

It’s no secret that Germany has many deep ties with America that seem to be completely unbreachable. But in the face of Trump’s ‘America first’ policy, those ties are feeling some strain. America first, by definition, means that America’s interests, across all sectors, get the top priority above those of all others, and even in spite of them, with heavy emphasis on the ‘spite’ part.

US Gives Germany an Ultimatum: Drop Russian Gas Pipeline or Trade War Begins

(ZHE) — It became clear just how important it is to the US for Russia’s Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project to fail two months ago when, as we described in “US Threatens Sanctions For European Firms Participating In Russian Gas Pipeline Project“, the U.S. State Department warned European corporations that they will likely face penalties and […]

Trump slams Germany over ‘not paying its fair share’ of NATO defense bill

Just hours after Angela Merkel vowed to meet NATO’s defense spending minimum of 2% of national GDP, Trump slams Germany for its deficient spending on NATO’s defense budget.
In bolstering Trump’s negotiation skills, NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, praised Trump’s applying ‘pressure’ to get things done.
The same line has been peddled relative to North Korea’s progress towards a peace agreement and nuclear disarmament, and potentially with reference to China’s economic development in favor of Trump’s tariff regimen.

‘With friends like Trump, who needs enemies?’, says EU Council President

European Council President called on European leaders to unite in response to Washington. Not only has Trump withdrawn America from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), existentially threatening the joint UNSC agreement, but reimposed economic sanctions against Iran, which, in turn, will be applied to European companies doing business with or in Iran.