Angela Merkel

Putin trolls the G7 (Video)

Speaking at a press conference in China following a successful SCO summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin refused to comment on the G7 final statement but said that its criticism of Russia’s “so-called destabilizing efforts” in the West is “unfounded,” and that “this creative babbling” by other world leaders has so far “led to nothing.”
Putin told those at the press conference that Russia did not choose to leave the G7 and would be happy to host its members in Moscow. Putin told reporters at a briefing in China’s city of Qingdao…

Civil war breaks out at G7 summit (Video)

The G7 provided much drama and fallout, as Trump trolled the conference from beginning to end, calling out the “meek” and “weak” Presidents, Prime Ministers and Chancellors of France, Germany and host nation Canada, while the US President once again pressed his “America first” policy to the shock and fear of the G6 leaders.
Trump was particularly angered by neo-liberal poster boy Trudeau’s two-faced comments during a summit ending press conference, tweeting…

Canada pushes back against Trump’s tariffs

Much like those in Europe who have been expressing their displeasure with Trump’s decision to levy tariffs on them despite their please, such as the EU Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, French President Emmanuel Macron, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau is lashing out against Trump’s foreign economic policy and threatening a retaliatory response.