Angela Merkel

Trump sends warning shot to Merkel: “That’s the big one” tariffs on cars (Video)

US President Donald Trump is threatening the EU with 20% tariffs on European cars in what would amount to a major escalation in a developing trade war.
Trump’s auto tariff threat comes after the European Union retaliates to US steel and aluminum tariffs.
POTUS Trump issued the warning on Friday as the EU imposed tariffs on a wide range of US goods ranging from Bourbon whiskey to motorcycles and playing cards.
The EU imposed the “rebalancing” charges in response to Trump’s 20% tariffs on European steel and aluminum.

Europe’s “Trump problem” hits code red levels as impending trade war looms (Video)

US President Trump is not only targeting China in his trade/tariff policy. The European Union, and specifically Germany, are the focus of a possible trade war that could cost each side $300 Billion in back and forth, retaliatory measures.
Trump went on Fox Business News “Sunday Morning Futures” to highlight how the German auto industry and EU farm industry are practicing in unfair trade policies.
The US President told Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo…

Angela Merkel survives, but is hanging on by a very thin thread (Video)

For now German Chancellor Angela Merkel survives, but her reign over Germany and Europe is nearing its end.
Once dubbed by the establishment liberal media as the last “leader of the free world”, Germany’s Angela Merkel is now on a political tightrope, as her power within Germany and the Europe Union diminishes by the day.
RT CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle and The Duran’s Alex Christoforou break down Angela Merkel’s spiral downwards, and how Europe, the United States and Russia will shape foreign policy in a post-Angela world.

EU leaders fail to identify ‘European solution’ to migration crisis at informal meeting

On Sunday, an informal meeting was hosted in Brussels at the request of (for now) German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tackle the issue of migration and to potentially identify a ‘European solution’.
Merkel is between a rock and a hard spot over the migration issue as it threatens to split her governmental coalition, and Merkel’s position as Chancellor.