Angela Merkel

Porkins Great Game episode 18 Grey Wolves, Marxist Sex Cults, and NATO

Christoph and I are back!  After a long hiatus we have returned with a jam packed episode.  In the first segment we discuss the bizarre “bomb plot” to attack the recent MEK Summit in Paris.  Then we explore the allegations that this was orchestrated by the Iranian government and the bogus claims by the West and Israel about a network of sleeper cells across Europe.  We then turn to a discussion about those swept up in the investigation–including an Iranian diplomat from Austria.

Merkel and Macron approval at record lows

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron are watching their approval rating plummet. Merkel’s coalition almost broke down terminally last month of the migration matter, causing Merkel to call a meeting in Brussels to discuss it, which led to the effective defeat of one of her biggest feats, the migration resettlement mandate. Macron has seen his numbers grow in reverse over a scandal relative to one of his bodyguards, who employed excessive force against protesters.

Orban: ‘When it comes to the question of who can live in Hungary, Merkel is not the one in charge’

Viktor Orban wanted no part in Merkel’s migrant resettlement plan, and didn’t participate in the recent EU summit on the matter, largely because he is flat out opposed to admitting migrants into Hungary. His position is that it’s not his mandate to take migration orders from Brussels, but that it certainly is his mandate to protect his country and its people, pointing out that the Hungarian people would oust him if he violated it by importing migrants. He bluntly put it that ‘when it comes to the question of who can live in Hungary, Merkel is not the one in charge.”

Viktor Orban: failure of EU elite represented in EU Commission

Vikor Orban, the conservative Hungarian leader, has described the European Commission as a representation of the failure of Europe’s elite during a speech in the Romanian town of Băile Tușnad. Orban perceives that the growing Muslim minorities across Europe threaten the electoral viability of Christian political parties in Europe, and therefore is of the opinion that migration will be the major issue influence the next EU Commission elections.
Politico reports:

Spanish Prime Minister’s minority coalition loses budget battle

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez holds the reigns of power with the help a minority coalition with a very thin grasp. His tenure is brand new and now he’s in a position to test the strength of his ruling coalition in a battle of the wills on one of the most fractious of governmental issues: budget matters. A vote came up on Friday with a new plan to balance the budget in which Sanchez’s allies withheld their support, which could show that perhaps this coalition isn’t really united where it counts.

Merkel takes heat for secret meeting with Russian officials

Merkel held a secret meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and head Russian staff general Valery Gerasimov, who was barred from entry by sanctions imposed in 2014 over the Crimean issue. As far as what Merkel let on, the meeting covered the conflict in the Middle East, specifically Syria, and the conflict in the Ukraine. But German opposition parties are not taking Merkel’s tight lipped position on the specific details of what was discussed on these issues sitting down. They want to know what was discussed, and why the meeting was not announced.

Nikki Haley rails against Arab states over Palestinian aid

Nikki Haley, the US Ambassador to the United Nations, has a long history of opposing Palestine at the UN, whether in the General Assembly or through the Security Council, and of supporting Israel’s lethal actions against Palestinians on the Gaza Strip, most notably during the recent massacres which took place during the Great March of Return, during which many dozens were killed and thousands more i