Angela Merkel

Hungary and Italy unite to challenge Merkel’s neoliberal rule over Europe (Video)

The man many see to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker in Brussels, Germany’s Manfred Weber, has stated his desire to work with Hungary PM Viktor Orban and Italian leader Matteo Salvini in an interview Friday.
Weber, an ally of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, told Italy’s La Stampa newspaper that it was necessary “to sit down at a table, to listen to each other and find compromises”.

“We should work with everyone, and listen to everyone so we can find a common vision.”

Trump’s Global Impact (and What Russia Could Do)

TV news anchors typically describe Donald Trump’s poll numbers as low. But a 40 percent support figure in August of the second year is actually not so unusual. (Obama’s job approval rate was 44 at this point his first term; Bill Clinton was at 41; Ronald Reagan 42; Jimmy Carter at 41.) It’s not abnormal for a president to have this level of support at this point; the amazing thing is that Trump has been able to maintain it, given his degree of repulsiveness, from his election.

Have British Spies Been Hacking the EU?

The European Union has accused British intelligence agencies of disrupting Brexit negotiations—creating a new public dispute that could poison further an already toxic situation. (CN Op-ed) — Just after midnight on Aug. 16, I was called by LBC Radio in London for a comment on a breaking story on the front page of The Daily Telegraph about British spies hacking […]