Andy Borowitz

Sandwich Watch: End of an era -- the sandwich and deli worlds mourn as Philip Roth says almost 80 years' worth of sandwiches is enough

But skeptical sandwich observers ask, was it really his last?Let the record show that this corned-beef job was not Philip Roth's last sandwich, which was reported by The Borowitz Report to have been a turkey with lettuce and tomato on whole wheat (condiments unspecified -- surely not dry?).

Paul Krugman (et al.) on Marco Rubio: Today, for a Republican, "listening to climate scientists gets you excommunicated"

Antarctic ice sheet past 'point of no return'Warning: In this clip there's every chance that you may hear from (shudder) a scientist. Just thought you should know, and take the appropriate precautions."Once upon a time it was possible to take climate change seriously while remaining a Republican in good standing. Today, listening to climate scientists gets you excommunicated -- hence Mr.

"McCutcheon": a new Roberts Court buzzword to go with "Citizens United"

This is the freest danged speech you ever will see!"Freedom of speech, in my view, does not mean the freedom to buy the United States government."-- Vermont independent Sen. Bernie Sanders"I am concerned that today's ruling may represent the latest step in an effort by a majority of the Court to dismantle entirely the longstanding structure of campaign finance law erected to limit the undue influence of special interests on American politics."-- Arizona Republican Sen.

Crash! Boom! Thud! Is that the the sound of the earth opening as NJ Fats's other massive clodhopper falls to the ground?

by KenI had it in mind this evening to do a quick progress report on the unraveling of the idiotic lies of NJ Gov. Kris KrispyKreme, ex-VA Gov. "Handsome Bob" MicDonnell, and our newest celebrity thug-liar, NY Rep. "Mikey Suits' Grimm, but I decided to go instead with my latest Super Bowl City update.

Who? Gov. Kris KrispyKeme -- a BULLY? You must be thinking of someone else! (Probably that #%^& bum Obama. "Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!")

by KenYou've seen Media Matters' Hannah Groch-Begley's report on Fox Noise's "coverage" of the new development in the burgeoning scandals of NJ Gov. Kris KrispyKreme, "Fox Keeps Christie Scandal Buried as New Allegations Emerge," right?First Hannah catches us up on MSNBC's report of the new allegations by Hoboken Mayor

2013 in Review -- A Prayer to the Janitor of Lunacy,* Part 6 (and last!): In the words of Dan Quayle, "What a waste it is to lose one's mind"

Exploiting tragedy for a buck; plus Miss America's not American?, "Quote of the Year" winner[*TO MEET THE JANITOR OF LUNACY, SEE PART 1]Miss America, Missouri-born Nina Davuluri -- zowie!by NoahTHE MINDS OF CORPORATISTS: EXPLOITING TRAGEDY FOR A BUCKWhat is it about the corporate mind?

It Takes A Congress Of Morons To Hold Us Back

-by NoahSometimes satirists have a very hard time satirizing Congress. Case in point: the current Congressional hearings about glitches in the allegedly satanic, marxist, communist, Muslim jihad-influenced Affordable Care Act; aka, dare we say it out loud, Obamacare.How does one satirize a bunch of morons in suits who have but one discernable talent-- satirizing themselves, whether intentionally or not, better than anyone else could ever hope to?