Andrew Korybko

The American Cyber Stasi Will Suppress All Digital Dissent In Biden’s Dystopia

CNN's recent report that the US' security services are considering contracting the services of so-called “researchers” as a legal workaround for spying on average Americans confirms that Biden's dystopian hellhole is rapidly moving in the direction of establishing a “Cyber Stasi” for suppressing all digital dissent against the Democrats as they continuing consolidating their de facto one-party rule of the country.

Who is really behind Czechia’s surprise decision to expel 18 Russian diplomats?

Andrew Korybko Czechia’s surprise decision to expel a whopping 18 Russian diplomats on alleged espionage pretexts reeks of British meddling behind the scenes. Strategic Context All of Europe is discussing Czechia’s surprise decision to expel a whopping 18 Russian diplomats on alleged espionage pretexts as well as their curious claims that Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov of Skripal saga …

US Election 2020: From Conspiracy Theory to Conspiracy Fact

Andrew Korybko Time magazine admitted in a report last week that a self-described “conspiracy” run by a “well-connected cabal of powerful people” “got states to change voting systems and laws” and “successfully pressured social media companies” among other achievements aimed at “democratically” toppling Trump, the revelation of which represents an attempt by the Democrats to …

Sometimes you drain the swamp & sometimes the swamp drains you

Andrew Korybko Trump sincerely thought that he could irreversibly effect significant long-term change to the way that America is run by “draining the swamp” that all of his supporters so deeply despise, but he ultimately lacked the strength time and again to take the decisive steps that were necessary in order to execute this grand …

This Year’s Pulitzer Prize Award Has An Anti-Russian Infowar Agenda

Andrew Korybko The Pulitzer Prize Board awarded its eponymous prize for “International Reporting” to The New York Times “for a set of enthralling stories, reported at great risk, exposing the predations of Vladimir Putin’s regime”, which not only further discredited the so-called “Fourth Estate”, but also stands as proof that it harbors an anti-Russian infowar …

Mohammed Bin Salman’s Post-Coup Bellicose Strategy, Bluff or Bluster?

Andrew Korybko
21st Century Wire
The Crown Prince is trying to strengthen his domestic standing after his unprecedented power play over the weekend, and his bellicose threats might be more about showing off his anti-Iranian/-Shiite “credentials” and mimicking Trump’s “Mad Man” policy than preparing for an imminent war. 

Trump Isn’t Going to Invade Venezuela, But What US is Planning Could Be Much Worse

Andrew Korybko
The Duran

Trump was more aggressive than usual yesterday when he said that he’s not ruling out a “military option” in Venezuela, and the international media went haywire speculating that the President was considering an invasion. Nothing justifies what Trump said, but taking aside all moral considerations, his statement shouldn’t have been surprising, and interestingly enough, it might even backfire on him.