Andrew Gavin Marshall

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 74

Power, Ecology, and Society

The way in which our society is structured ensures that environmental degradation and destruction is written into the actual function of our society. Trade agreements not only allow rich countries and companies to exploit the cheap labor of poor nations, or to simply plunder their wealth and resources, but we also “offshore” our environmental degradation to poor countries, leaving profoundly negative side effects for health and ecology around the world. This process is called ‘ecological unequal exchange,’ and it is written into the system itself.

Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 74

Power, Ecology, and Society

The way in which our society is structured ensures that environmental degradation and destruction is written into the actual function of our society. Trade agreements not only allow rich countries and companies to exploit the cheap labor of poor nations, or to simply plunder their wealth and resources, but we also “offshore” our environmental degradation to poor countries, leaving profoundly negative side effects for health and ecology around the world. This process is called ‘ecological unequal exchange,’ and it is written into the system itself.

Global Power Project, Part 2: Identifying the Institutions of Control

In an article for the journal International Sociology, William K. Carroll and Jean Philippe Sapinski examined the relationship between the corporate elite and the emergence of a “transnational policy-planning network,” beginning with its formation in the decades following World War II and speeding up in the 1970s with the creation of “global policy groups” and think tanks such as the World Economic Forum, in 1971, and the Trilateral Commission, in 1973, among many others.

Global Power Project, Part 2: Identifying the Institutions of Control

In an article for the journal International Sociology, William K. Carroll and Jean Philippe Sapinski examined the relationship between the corporate elite and the emergence of a “transnational policy-planning network,” beginning with its formation in the decades following World War II and speeding up in the 1970s with the creation of “global policy groups” and think tanks such as the World Economic Forum, in 1971, and the Trilateral Commission, in 1973, among many others.

Boiling Frogs Post Needs “Your” Support

Take a Stand and Make a Statement by Supporting a Real Alternative
This website, Boiling Frogs Post, began with a promise: a site where the irate minority (that’s me and you), those aware and tired of the creators of lies-fables-smoke and mirrors, could call home. It was created on a pledge: complete independence from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors or deep-pocket advertisers.

Boiling Frogs Post Needs “Your” Support

Take a Stand and Make a Statement by Supporting a Real Alternative
This website, Boiling Frogs Post, began with a promise: a site where the irate minority (that’s me and you), those aware and tired of the creators of lies-fables-smoke and mirrors, could call home. It was created on a pledge: complete independence from the establishment- those who come in many forms-whether foundations, sponsors or deep-pocket advertisers.

Take a Stand & Make a Statement Today: Support a Truly Independent Alternative

We Need Your Help to Raise Awareness & Continue Operating This Home of the Irate Minority
What does it mean to be a ‘True Alternative’ among the too many and too powerful media outlets infested with lies and busy with implementing deception and propaganda? As a long-term truth seeker and activist, and as founder and director of Boiling Frogs Post, I believe I have gained a certain degree of moral authority to answer this question confidently:

Boiling Frogs Post: It Boils Down to ‘Us’ vs. ‘Them’- Let’s Not Let Them Win

First things first: We want to thank all our supporters for their kind and generous contributions during these tough times. We know who you are. You are not ‘the’ 1% with deep pockets and big devious agendas who feed and sustain the mainstream and pseudo-alternative misinformation mediums. On the other hand you are the ‘other’ 1%: The irate and tireless minority fed up with deception and propaganda, keen to set brush fires in people’s minds. I know it is tiring to be the tireless irate minority. Sometimes it feels like being on the set of David vs. Goliath.