
Ukraine, Trump, Biden — The Real Story Behind ‘Ukrainegate’

Since this news-report is going to be especially harsh regarding today’s Democratic Party in the United States, readers should be aware that until that Party nominated Hillary Clinton in 2016, this writer was, and consistently voted as, a Democrat, and that I have never been, and never could be, a Republican. In no way does this article reflect a Republican viewpoint. It is not partisan — not favoring one person’s viewpoint over any other’s.

Freeland’s New Role as Deputy Prime Minister Put’s Her in 2nd in Command… of the Titanic

Has Canada’s beleaguered Prime Minister Justin Trudeau signed onto his own self-destruction by appointing his handler Chrystia Freeland to the position of Deputy Prime Minister of Canada on November 18, 2019?
Already the Canadian press machine on all sides of the isle are raising the prospect of Freeland’s takeover of the Liberal Party as it “positions her as one of the top candidates to take over the liberal party after Trudeau” as one Globe and Mail reporter stated.
The Strange Case of Deputy Prime Ministers

Americans Usually Support Ethnic Cleansing When Their Government Does

The purpose of ethnic cleansing is often misrepresented as being just a bigoted majority venting their common hatred against some minority, but it’s actually a crime by the state — that is, by the Government, the rulers — in order to get rid of enough of its opponents there so as to be able to remain in power ‘democratically’ — that is, by means of popular elections.

The Rise of Militant Religious Right in Latin America

The recent coup d’état in Bolivia that overthrew President Evo Morales was not merely a standard right-wing putsch aided and abetted by the US Central Intelligence Agency but also placed into power politicians affiliated with a rising fundamentalist Protestant movement in Latin America that can be termed “Christo-fascist.” Many of the far-right and out-of-the-mainstream Protestant sects that have gained power in Guatemala, Colombia, Brazil, and, now, Bolivia have decried traditional Roman Catholicism in Latin America as heretical to their religious ideology and even pro-Communist.