Americans Are Growing Increasingly Enraged As The DOJ And '1st Crime Family' Play 'Hide-The-Salami' With 'The Rule Of Law' And 'Due Process' While Scheming How They'll Steal The Next Election

Americans Are Growing Increasingly Enraged As The DOJ And ‘1st Crime Family’ Play ‘Hide-The-Salami’ With ‘The Rule Of Law’ And ‘Due Process’ While Scheming How They’ll Steal The Next Election

by James Howard Kunstler, All News Pipeline: “We didn’t love freedom enough.” — Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn Do you think that more than half of the US public may be getting a little irked with “Joe Biden’s” lawfare elf, AG Merrick Garland, as he rolls one innocent J-6 protester after another into decades of hard-time for strolling through the […]