
Nehru, Ambedkar and Challenge of Majoritarianism

( Photo courtesy : The hoot) (To be published in the special issue of ‘Janata’)   The spectacle of what is called religion, or at any rate organised religion, in India and elsewhere, has filled me with horror and I have frequently condemned it and wished to make a clean sweep of it. Almost always … Continue reading Nehru, Ambedkar and Challenge of Majoritarianism

Defining Ambedkar: Icon or Ideal?

  Every year Ambedkar is celebrated and remembered across the globe, at least twice a year, on his birth and death anniversary by the political parties, social movements, NGOs and committed individuals at different venues. Of late, the dates are being observed in various international forums. For very first time, in the history of United Nations he was remembered last[Read More...]

Marx And Ambedkar: Bridging The Rift

Book Review: India & Communism by B R Ambedkar, Introduction by Anand Teltumbde, Left Word, New Delhi, 2017, p. 156 History repeats itself twice, not infrequently as tragedy for the masses of the people. All across the word, there is the emergence and  rise to power of neofascism under various garbs and  leaderships–from Hungary’s Viktor Orban to Greece’s Nikos Michaloliakos[Read More...]

The Forgotten Message Of Ambedkar To The Working Class

( The following are extracts from A paper presented by Dr KS Sharma at the XXXII Indian Social Science Congress held at New Delhi from 18′” December to 22nd December 2008. The Paper quotes Dr. B. R. Ambedkar extensively and seeks to bring out some views he had expressed at one stage in his political life. A few extracts focussing[Read More...]

Caste, Gender And Other Such Issues Should Be Dealt With As Class Struggle: Anand Teltumbde

Anand Teltumbde is a civil rights activist, political analyst, columnist and author of many books. He has a long association with peoples’ struggle spanning over three decades backing his theorizations on various issues.  Trained in technology and management from the top institutes in the country, he marshals his insights of the modern techno-managerial world to sharpen strategies of struggles. In[Read More...]

Talk Bhima or Bhim, Walk Manu

( Photo Courtesy : Bhima Bhoi, saint, poet and social reformer, who lived in later part of the 19 th century and who wielded his pen against the prevailing social injustice, religious bigotry and caste discrimination, would not have imagined in his wildest dreams that in the second decade of the 21 st century … Continue reading Talk Bhima or Bhim, Walk Manu

For A New Rendezvous With Dr Ambedkar – Focus on Last Decade of his Life

..Everybody would agree that it is a challenging task to encapsulate a great wo/man’s vision in a few words- who as a public figure has impacted not only her/his generation but future generations, initiated or channelised debates in the society, led struggles, mobilised people, wrote thousands of pages and left a legacy for all of … Continue reading For A New Rendezvous With Dr Ambedkar – Focus on Last Decade of his Life