Along The Line Podcast

Episode 34: THE 2020 Presidential Candidates: Seth Moulton: Michael Bennet: Bernie Sanders; Howie Hawkins; Dario Hunter

On this episode of Along the Line, Dr. Dreadlocks Nicholas Baham III, Dr. Nolan Higdon, and Janice Domingo analyze some of the 2020 presidential candidates: Seth Moulton: Michael Bennet: Bernie Sanders; Howie Hawkins; and Dario Hunter. ATL’s Creative Director is Jorge Ayala. ATL’s Assistant Creative Director is Dylan Lazaga.  Mickey Huff is ATL’s producer. ATL’s engineer is Janice Domingo. Adam Armstrong is ATL’s webmaster. 
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Episode 33: Assange show as Spy or journalist?

On this episode of Along the Line, Dr. Dreadlocks Nicholas Baham III, Dr. Nolan Higdon, and Janice Domingo outline Facebook’s history and analyze Julian Assange of Wikileaks and the ways in which he has been portrayed in the media. ATL’s Creative Director is Jorge Ayala. ATL’s Assistant Creative Director is Dylan Lazaga.  Mickey Huff is ATL’s producer. ATL’s engineer is Janice Domingo. Adam Armstrong is ATL’s webmaster.

Episode 32: The Facebook Scandals

On this episode of Along the Line, Dr. Dreadlocks Nicholas Baham III, Dr. Nolan Higdon, and Janice Domingo outline Facebook’s history and analyze the tech-giant’s various scandals. ATL’s Creative Director is Jorge Ayala. ATL’s Assistant Creative Director is Dylan Lazaga.  Mickey Huff is ATL’s producer. ATL’s engineer is Janice Domingo. Adam Armstrong is ATL’s webmaster. Listen to all of our previous content at Contact us on Twitter at @Nolan_Higdon @DOCTORDredlocks @j_nice44 

Episode 31: RussiaGate: An Abject Failure of Journalism

On this episode of Along the Line, Dr. Dreadlocks Nicholas Baham III, Dr. Nolan Higdon, and Janice Domingo analyze the news coverage of RussiaGate. ATL’s Creative Director is Jorge Ayala. Mickey Huff is ATL’s producer. ATL’s engineer is Janice Domingo. Adam Armstrong is ATL’s webmaster. Listen to all of our previous content at Contact us on Twitter at @Nolan_Higdon @DOCTORDredlocks @j_nice44 

Episode 30: The 2020 Candidates ep 3: Joe Biden; Elizabeth Warren; and Amy Klobuchar

On this episode of Along the Line, Dr. Dreadlocks Nicholas Baham III, Dr. Nolan Higdon, and Janice Domingo analyze some of the  the presidential candidates running in the 2020 primary including Joe Biden; Elizabeth Warren; and Amy Klobuchar; Last month they examined Kirsten Gillibrand; Pete Buttigieg; Beto O’Rourke; and Wayne Messam. The month prior they covered Kamal Harris; Corey Booker; Bill Weld; and Tulsi Gabbard. Those programs are available at In future broadcasts ATL will discuss the remaining candidates.

Episode 27: White Nationalists; White Separatists; and Black Extremists

On this episode of Along the Line, Dr. Dreadlocks Nicholas Baham III, Dr. Nolan Higdon, and Janice Domingo analyze the terms Nationalists; Separatists; and Extremists  as they relate to racial and ethnic movements in the U.S.  ATL’s Creative Director is Jorge Ayala. Mickey Huff is ATL’s producer. ATL’s engineer is Janice Domingo. Adam Armstrong is ATL’s webmaster.

Episode 26: The 2020 Candidates ep 2: Kirsten Gillibrand; Pete Buttigieg; Beto O’Rourke; and Wayne Messam

On this episode of Along the Line, Dr. Dreadlocks Nicholas Baham III, Dr. Nolan Higdon, and Janice Domingo analyze some of the presidential candidates running in the 2020 primary including Kirsten Gillibrand; Pete Buttigieg; Beto O’Rourke; and Wayne Messam. Last month ATL examined Kamal Harris; Corey Booker; Bill Weld; and Tulsi Gabbard. In future broadcasts ATL will discuss the remaining candidates. ATL’s Creative Director is Jorge Ayala. Mickey Huff is ATL’s producer. ATL’s engineer is Janice Domingo. Adam Armstrong is ATL’s webmaster.

Episode 25: The Mueller Investigation Part 2

On this episode of Along the Line, Dr. Dreadlocks Nicholas Baham III, Dr. Nolan Higdon, and Janice Domingo analyze  the Mueller Investigation since December of 2018. The Mueller Investigation Part 1 synthesized the investigation and its findings until December of 2018. With the Mueller Report released in April 2019, this episode covers the events since December 2018: Michael Cohen’s testimony; William Barr’s Summary; the news media’s failures and successes; and the political maneuvering in response to the report. ATL’s Creative Director is Jorge Ayala. Mickey Huff is ATL’s producer.