Corona: June Update
SPR has published a comprehensive new update on recent medical and political developments concerning Covid-19. This is our final regular update on Covid-19.
Most importantly, a new preprint study by leading Swiss immunologists shows that coronavirus blood antibody tests may detect at most 20% of all infections, as most people neutralize the virus with their mucosal or cellular immune system, developing only mild or no symptoms.
Corona-Repression in der Schweiz
(German only) Videoaufnahmen von Schweizer Corona-Kundgebungen im Mai 2020. Die Kundgebungen forderten die Wiederherstellung der Grundrechte. Die Auflösung der Kundgebungen erfolgte aufgrund des offiziell hygienebedingten Versammlungsverbots.
Zu den Videos und Bildern →
The SPR Media Navigator (Updated)
The SPR Media Navigator has been updated and now includes The Hill, Vox, The Last American Vagabond, and Anti-Empire.
In contrast to other media bias charts, the Media Navigator is unique in showing both the political stance and the relationship to power. In many cases, the later is more significant.
Especially when it comes to geopolitical topics such as international conflicts, war, “terrorism”, or more recently Covid-19, the SPR Media Navigator is an indispensable resource.
See the updated Media Navigator →
New: Swiss Policy Research
In response to the very broad international interest in our work, SPR has been renamed into Swiss Policy Research. Our research focus will remain on geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media.
Regarding Covid-19, a new and comprehensive overview of Studies on Covid-19 lethality has been published, including a section on hospitalization rates. A new update on medical and political developments will follow shortly.
Der Beobachter zu SPR
(German only) Das Schweizer Konsumentenmagazin Beobachter mit einer Reichweite von ca. 800’000 Lesern hat einen lesenswerten Beitrag zu SPR veröffentlicht.
Covid19 May Update
SPR has published a comprehensive new Covid19 update plus a fully updated 25-point summary. Translations of the updated summary into 24 languages will follow shortly.
The medical debate is mostly over, as all new serological studies converge towards a flu-like 0.2% overall lethality with up to two thirds of deaths occurring in vulnerable nursing homes. Instead, the focus is quickly shifting towards the political and geopolitical impact of the coronavirus.
Covid19 update
A comprehensive new update has been published on the latest medical and political developments as well as on the situation in the US, the UK, Sweden, Italy and other countries.
The main summary is now also available in Finnish. The next update will follow in early May.
English updates / Deutsche Updates
Das BAG im Corona-Fieber
Das Schweizer Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG) wurde bei einer weiteren, sonderbaren Übertreibung und Irreführung ertappt.
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