(All Things) CULTURE

ALI ABDULLAH SALEH’s Interview on the Arab Spring, the Muslim Brotherhood & the Conspiracy Against Pan-Arabism…

I noted a few days ago the similarities between the late Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh and the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. We noted that the unsettling footage circulating on the Internet and some news channels of his death were eerily reminiscent of the brutal murder of Gaddafi in October 2011. And we also […]

Why JERUSALEM is So Important to the Apocalypse Fantasists…

Jerusalem is regarded as an international city, under a world body protectorate. That is its prevailing status. The United Nations has affirmed in a number of resolutions that continued Zionist colonisation of Jerusalem is illegal under international law. Every Zionist settlement in illegally occupied East Jerusalem is a direct contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention, […]

The Truth About ‘RUSSIA-GATE’: Trump IS a Foreign Agent, Just Not the One You Think…

It is baffling that ‘Russia-Gate’ is still going on – much less that so many platforms or agencies seem to be taking it so seriously. It is clear to most discerning minds that the entire ‘Russia-gate’ fiasco that is utterly dominating politics and media in the United States is an exaggerated or fabricated pantomime, designed […]