All TCRN Videos

Children Vaxxed by Australian Health Department: Were There Injuries?

Derrick Broze covers recent actions taken by Australia’s Department of Health in New South Wales, Australia. Derrick also looks at reports that children have been injured or even died from the shots. Sources:Australian Health Minister Announces 24,000 Students Will Be Injected In Stadium Without Parental Supervision Australia Vaccinates Thousands of High-School Students to Stop Delta […]

Dr Marty Makary Explains The Flawed Arguments for Masks and Vaxx for Kids

Derrick Broze interviews Dr. Marty Makary. Dr. Makary is a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health and Carey Business School. He is author of “The Price We Pay: What Broke American Health Care—and How to Fix It.” Referenced articles:The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC’s Push to Vaccinate […]

Dr. Peter Hotez Is a Threat to Liberty Over the last year, the American people have faced a barrage of reports, exclaiming that the end is near, that COVID19 is the greatest threat to humanity, and that without lockdowns, masks, and vaccines we will not make it through. Despite the clear evidence that lockdowns damage the poorest among us, that masks offer […]