
Since Sammy "The Hammer" Alito is such an obvious liar, LGBT folk can't have employment-discrimination protection

Hobby Lobby GoalPat Begley [click to enlarge]"If a private company can take its own religious beliefs and say you can't have access to certain health care, it's a hop, skip and a jump to an interpretation that a private company could have religious beliefs that LGBT people are not equal or somehow go against their beliefs and therefore fire them."-- National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) ExecutiveDirector Rea Carey,

The Supreme Court opens a drive-through window for right-wing zealots with (right-wing Christian) religious objections to the law

"I disagree strongly with what the Court has done," Justice Sotomayor wrote, joined by Justices Ginsburg and Kagan in what the NYT's Adam Liptak called "an unusually fierce dissent."by KenThe other day I wrote, regarding the last-day-of-term dump of the Supreme Court's Cro-Magnon majority's two most egregious decisions:

So, freeloading House GOP junketeers really do have some sense of . . . well, not shame exactly, but something sort of related

House Ethics Committee Chair Michael Conaway (R-TX) -- a fine ethicist who grasps the evil of "duplicative paperwork""These kinds of backroom deals and changing of the rules in the middle of the night is exactly why Congress has a lower approval rating than cockroaches and traffic jams."-- Rep.

Today it was Justice Sammy "The Hammer" Alito's big chance to bludgeon a hapless Constitution

Justice Sammy the Hammer was wielding his Sledgehammer of Doom at the Supreme Court KenClearly the Cro-Magnon wing of the Roberts Court has developed a vestigial sense of shame. The two bombshell decisions saved for the final day of the Supreme Court term today (which Howie wrote about in his 2pm PT post) weren't bombshells in the sense of surprise.

How Susan Collins (R-ME) And Mary Landrieu (D-LA) Wrote Those 2 Supreme Court Decisions Today

This morning's two Supreme Court decisions-- one that allows employers claiming to have religious objections to discriminate against women's health needs and one that says public service unions can't compel members to pay dues-- were both decided late in the afternoon on January 30, 2006 when 19 Democrats crossed the aisle to

Why is this man smiling? Jeffrey Toobin walks us through the ongoing conservative capture of our state courts

The clown justice gets the last KenWe've heard and read a lot about the heavy investments made by the billionaires of the Right in the decade before the 2010 census and ensuing reapportionment to gain control of as many governorships and state legislative houses as possible, and we've head and read a lot about the direct effect on legislative agendas -- spearheaded by such luminaries of the rich and reactionary as Wisconsin's Scott Walker, Ohio's John Kasich, Michigan'

Democratic Senators Who Voted To Confirm Fascists To The Supreme Court

Justice Ginsburg, who, like Bernie Sanders and Chuck Schumer, went to my high school, James Madison in Brooklyn, knows what she's talking about when she says the decision by the 5 right-wing Republican activists on the Supreme Court, each of whom is also a corporate whore, produced an anti-democratic ruling stinking of "hubris." She pointed out how illogical their nakedly partisan arguments were: