Alfred Rosenberg

Two items of good news: the diary of Alfred Rosenberg and the film "Son of Saul"

Two items of good news, one after the other, for the revisionists: the publication, at last, in French of top National Socialist official Alfred Rosenberg’s diary and the film by Hungarian director László Nemes, Son of Saul. The publication, finally, of Alfred Rosenberg’s personal journal reveals nothing about the existence of a policy of physical extermination of the Jews but, on the contrary, confirms the will of the Third Reich’s leaders to see the Jews disappear one day from Europe to go and create a Jewish national home in Madagascar or elsewhere.

Deux bonnes nouvelles : Le "Journal" d’Alfred Rosenberg et le film "Le Fils de Saul"

Deux bonnes nouvelles, coup sur coup, pour les révisionnistes : la publication, enfin, du Journal du haut dirigeant national-socialiste Alfred Rosenberg et la sortie du film du réalisateur hongrois László Nemes, Le Fils de Saul.La publication, à la fin des fins, du journal intime d’Alfred Rosenberg ne nous révèle rien de l’existence d’une politique d’extermination physique des juifs mais, au contraire, elle nous confirme la volonté des responsables du IIIe Reich de voir un jour les juifs contraints à disparaître d’Europe pour aller créer un foyer national juif à Madagascar ou ailleurs.

Nothing about gassings of Judaic persons in top Nazi’s private diary

Long-lost diary of Nazi Alfred Rosenberg turned over to Holocaust MuseumBy Michael E. Ruane  Washington Post, December 17, 2013 Alfred Rosenberg joined the Nazis before Adolf Hitler did. He later served as the party’s interim leader. He wrote a virulent, best-selling book about the “Aryan” struggle against Jews....On Tuesday the Nazi theorist’s 425-page, handwritten diary, which vanished after the war, was transferred by federal authorities to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, which had been searching for it for years. ...Rosenberg was tried as a war criminal and hanged in 1946.