Alex Law

Cutting Up The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau... Bipartisan Affair?

SinemaThanks to a tiny gaggle of reactionary Blue Dogs, Boehner's latest attempt to gut the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection can be called "bipartisan." H.R.1195 passed yesterday, 235-183, with 5 Republicans voting for the interests of their constituents and 4 faux-Democrats crossing the aisle in the other dire

Chris Christie And Hillary Clinton Take Opposite Positions On Social Security

Jeb Bush and the second-tier contendersRutgers released a new poll this week showing that 69% of New Jersey voters agree that their governor, Chris Christie, would make a lousy president. He's in New Hampshire, where voters are less aware of what a mess he's made out of New Jersey's economy. He's there campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination...

Philly Inquirer Says: Strong-Arming Of Boss Norcross's Guy Onto NJ Pinelands Commission Is "Political Pollution" That May Prove "Toxic"

The following editorial critical of New Jersey State Senate President Steve Sweeney appeared in Monday’s Philadelphia Inquirer, something that would have been unimaginable a year ago, before South Jersey Democratic Party boss George Norcross lost his ownership stake in that newspaper.

Is Protecting The Environment A Political Issue? Meet Alex Law (D-NJ)

A few weeks ago we met the young progressive Democrat Alex Law, taking on the corrupt Norcross Machine in New Jersey's First Congressional District. His opponent is George Norcross's younger brother Donald, whose first vote in Congress was to cross the aisle and vote with the Republicans to take decision-making for the Keystone Pipeline out of President Obama's hands. New Jersey environmental groups have long rated Donald Norcross as the worst Democrat in the state legislature.

Do Republicans Plan To Keep Drowning Students In Unconscionable Debt?

Elizabeth Warren has reintroduced the Student Loan Debt Bill that Republicans managed to filibuster last year when every single Democrat supported it, long with both Independents and even three Republicans. But 56 votes wasn't enough to break the GOP filibuster and it failed. At the time Senator Warren explained that "Rising student-loan debt is an economic emergency.

Conservatives Want To Cut Social Security Benefits-- Progressives Want To Expand Them

The video above, from a Democratic congressional conference introducing an expansion of Social Security, includes statements by two Maryland congressmembers who are running for the Senate: one, Donna Edwards, who you expect to see at this kind of announcement, and one, Chris Van Hollen, who was forced into coming because of earlier support for the Simpson-Bowles proposals that would have cut Social Security benefits. Van Hollen's support for cutting Social Security-- while Donna Edwards fought tooth and nail against Simpson-Bowles-- has become an issue in the Maryland Senate race.

Could Boss Norcross' Little Brother Wind Up As A One-Term Congressman?

Ready to fight-- I mean really fight? To fight the good fight against the oligarchs and predators? The fight to save American democracy? For real? Meet Alex Law, the progressive candidate running against the venal Norcross Machine in South Jersey (Camden, Cherry Hill, the Philly suburbs across the Delaware River, all the way down past Glassboro to Winslow Township on the Atlantic City Expressway). When Law announced he's taking on Donald Norcross, he pointed out: "In South Jersey, we are missing people in government that have a true passion for helping people.