Alex Law

How Do You Prevent Republican Majorities In The House And Senate From Cutting Social Security Benefits?

As we've been discussing for the last month or so-- and despite the indisputable fact that real costs the seniors have to spend (housing, medical, food...) have been rising-- next year will see no Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security beneficiaries. Progressives in Congress-- as opposed to Republicans or Democrats from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party (the New Dems and Blue Dogs)-- are furious that seniors are being kicked to the curb.

3rd Quarter Fundraising For The Blue America-Endorsed House Candidates And Their Opponents

I'm working on a colossal multi-part investigative piece about how the DCCC undermines and sabotages the campaigns of progressive candidates and it's going to be a couple more days before I have all the pieces neatly tied together. But since the investigation had me pouring over FEC reports, I thought I'd share with you the third quarter financial results from the candidates for the House that Blue America has endorsed.

How Important Is It To You And Your Family That The Super-Rich Pay Their Fair Share?

In 2011, when progressives proposed a 5.6% surtax on millionaires to pay for Obama's jobs program, conservatives whose primary job is, after all, to represent the interests of millionaires, went wild, accusing the Democrats of "class war." The GOP responded, as usual, with the same old tropes about how taxing the rich would discourage job creation and how small businesses would suffer. But, historically, even responsible Republicans have supported federal income taxes.

You've Got To Have Friends-- And Bernie Meets 11,000 New Ones In Tucson

Bernie in Tucson last nightLast night Bernie Sanders spoke in front of 11,000 13,000 exuberant Arizonans in Tucson's Reid Park, 4,000 over the capacity of the DeMeester Performance Center. He was introduced by the local congressman, Raúl Grijalva who became the first Member of Congress to officially endorse Bernie's presidential campaign-- something he had explained earlier in the day on CNN.

Endorsements For Bernie's Campaign Have Finally Started Rolling In From Progressive Political Leaders

This evening Bernie Sanders will be speaking at the DeMeester Performance Center, an outdoor amphitheater that holds 7,000 people, in Tucson's Reid Park. He'll be introduced by the local congressman, Raúl Grijalva, chairman of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a group that Bernie founded in 1991. Wednesday, Grijalva became the first member of Congress to endorse Bernie's campaign.

Electing An Actual Progressive Isn't The Same As Electing A Corporate Democrat Who's Just A Bit Better Than A Republican

Over the weekend, one of the most talked-about pieces from the mainstream press was Patrick Healy's NY Times report on dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party establishment, "Democrats Find That Anti-Establishment Isn’t Just a G.O.P. Theme." "Anger at the political establishment," Healy wrote,

GMOs-- A Guest Post From Alex Law

Alex Law is running for Congress in South Jersey, across from Philadelphia, in a seat currently held by the brother of corrupt Democratic Party boss George Norcross. Blue America has endorsed Alex, and we urge you to read his post and get a feel for where he is on issues and what goes into his decision-making. If you like what you read, please consider making a contribution to his grassroots campaign.

Just 3 Days Left To Enter The Ice-T Gold Record Contest

Blue America is at the tail end of a fundraising effort on behalf of Alex Law, the progressive Democrat running against South Jersey Machine incumbent Donald Norcross, brother of notoriously corrupt party boss George Norcross. Since being installed in Congress by his brother in 2014-- after the corrupt old Machine hack was driven out by scandal-- Donald Norcross has been a dependable vote for many of John Boehner's worst policies.

Alex Law Likes Bernie Sanders... And Ice-T

Ice-T released his fourth album-- and many say his best-- O.G., Original Gangster in 1991. It made it into the top 10 and was awarded a gold album. Ice lives in New Jersey now and Blue America decided to give away one of those original RIAA-certified O.G. gold record awards to help us raise contributions for a young candidate in New Jersey's First Congressional District, Alex Law. Turns out Alex is an Ice-T fan. "Ice-T's music and story," he told us, "are inspiring to me."