Alex Law

Why Primaries Are Just As Important As General Elections-- Sometimes More So

The SisterGiant/Blue America Progressive Candidates Forum video above features interviews by Marianne Williamson with Alan Grayson (D-FL), DuWayne Gregory (D-NY) and Alex Law (D-NJ). DuWayne is already the official Democratic Party candidate running for the Long Island seat held by Republican neocon Peter King. Grayson and Law, however, are in important primaries against conservative Democrats. Both of them are on Bernie's team and both of them challenging establishment bosses' picks for the offices they seek.

Alex Law-- Fighting Back Against Corruption In South Jersey... On A Bernie Platform

If Bernie Sanders wasn't running for president this year, Alex Law would still be a compelling candidate for Congress in the badlands of South Jersey where politics are under the control of the state's most corrupt family, the Norcross Machine, something that harkens back to past darker decades. When the grotesquely corrupt retainer who had been serving as the Machine's Member of Congress, Rob Andrews, was given the option of leaving Congress or going to prison for improper use of campaign funds, he resigned and Boss Norcross stuck his right-wing younger brother into the seat.

Democrats Want To Raise The Minimum Wage-- But Progressives Want To Raise It Quickly And Conservatives Want To Drag Their Feet

Democratic Machine boss George Norcross' little brother, Donald, has been a miserable congressman for less than a term, but he's already eyeing Bob Menendez's Senate seat. So how does the most conservative Democrat in the New Jersey congressional delegation win what's expected to be a rough and tumble primary with real progressives like Frank Pallone in it?

How Do You Prevent Republican Majorities In The House And Senate From Cutting Social Security Benefits?

As we've been discussing for the last month or so-- and despite the indisputable fact that real costs the seniors have to spend (housing, medical, food...) have been rising-- next year will see no Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security beneficiaries. Progressives in Congress-- as opposed to Republicans or Democrats from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party (the New Dems and Blue Dogs)-- are furious that seniors are being kicked to the curb.