Alan Grayson

Have You Voted Today?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars-- certainly well over a million by this morning-- have gushed into the FL-09 Democratic primary from conservative billionaires-- primary from the Murdoch family and assorted Wall Street banksters. The money is laundered through a network of slimy SuperPACs controlled by Nancy Jacobson's No Labels and has gone entirely to smear progressive icon Alan Grayson. The goal is to keep conservative New Dem, Darren Soto, in Congress. Why? Watch the video up top? That's the big prize for No Labels and their financiers... phasing out Social Security and Medicare.

I Wonder If Trump's Lawyers Have Explained What Obstruction Of Justice Is

What Would Freud Do? by Nancy OhanianEveryone's been waiting for Señor Trumpanzee to claim ignorance of Michael Cohen. "Michael who?" "Ice cream cone?" I barely kew the guy." So, true to form, yesterday he told the brain-dead crew at Fox & Friends that Cohen "worked more or less" as a "part time" employee... a lawyer for me, one of many.

Conservative Billionaires Think They Can Buy Democratic Primaries-- Can They?

The day after the New York congressional primaries, geniuses in the mass media, including in New York City, were running around asking how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spells her name. They missed the boat on that one-- missed it entirely. Now they're missing the boat on another big story-- that Republican billionaires are spending heavily in Democratic primaries.

Florida's Lovely Beaches-- Over-Run With Deadly Human Waste

Republicans office holders and their children drink the same water and breath the same air as normal people, right? In fact, in Florida, where the expensive property is closest to the water, it's their homes that are in the greatest danger from Climate Change. So why are Republicans such dicks when it comes to protecting society from environmental degradation and from Global Warming? Follow the money.