
Peace talks between Damascus & opposition to start January 29 – UN Syria envoy

RT | January 25, 2016 Talks between Damascus and the Syrian opposition will begin on January 29, the UN’s Syria envoy Staffan de Mistura has told journalists in Geneva. The negotiations will focus on a broad ceasefire, stopping Islamic State militants and increasing aid, he added. De Mistura said the process of finalizing the list […]

On the Effort to Exonerate Team USA for the Rise of ISIS: Guest Analysis by David Mizner

Photo: An Islamic State fighter using the US-made BGM-71 TOW in Damascus countryside in 2014. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies funded “Long War Journal” has confirmed many instances of AQ and ISIS use of the TOW.  David Mizner is a novelist and freelance journalist who writes about US foreign policy, with a focus on … Continue reading On the Effort to Exonerate Team USA for the Rise of ISIS: Guest Analysis by David Mizner →

Russia refuses to blacklist Hamas as terrorist

“Occupation is in itself a form of terrorism” Palestine Information Center – December 31, 2015 MOSCOW – Russia and the United States agree that Daesh, al-Qaeda and Jabhat al-Nusra are terrorist organizations but differ over blacklisting Hezbollah and Hamas, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. Speaking to the Interfax news agency on Tuesday night, Russian Deputy […]

Foreign Weapons, Fighters and Agenda: Syria’s War is Not a Civil War – it Never Was

By Ulson Gunnar | New Eastern Outlook | December 28, 2015 The weapons are foreign, the fighters are foreign, the agenda is foreign. As Syrian forces fight to wrest control of their country back and restore order within their borders, the myth of the “Syrian civil war” continues on. Undoubtedly there are Syrians who oppose the […]

Bashar Al-Assad Has More Popular Support than the Western-Backed “Opposition”: Poll

Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad (C-L) and his wife Asma al-Assad (C-R) posing for a picture with a Syrian man as they attend a Christmas choral presentation at the Lady of Damascus Catholic Church in the Syrian capital on December 18, 2015. © HO / AFP
By Stephen Gowans
In the view of Syrians, the country’s president, Bashar Al-Assad, and his ally, Iran, have more support than do the forces arrayed against him, according to a public opinion poll taken last summer by a research firm that is working with the US and British governments. [1]

President Bashar al-Assad: “Britain and France were the Spearheads in Supporting the Terrorists in Syria”

 President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to The Sunday Times in which he said Britain and France have neither the will nor the vision on how to defeat terrorism and their airstrikes against ISIS will yield no results, but will rather be illegal and harmful in that they will help in spreading terrorism.

 Sana – Damascus
The following is the full text of the interview: