
Ignore Syria the Movie: And Please Read Vanessa Beeley on Syria & the ‘White Helmets’…

I was trying to actually take a short break from posting for a while; but the sheer level of BS being spewed as international powers desperately seek a renewed premise for military intervention in Syria is just stomach turning. The BS propaganda game is accelerating more every day. On TV, on the radio, in newspapers, […]

J’Accuse – French Condemnations of Russia in Syria Beyond Cynical

By Finian CUNNINGHAM | Strategic Culture Foundation | 07.10.2016 French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault worked up his frequent-flyer air miles account this week with consecutive flights to Moscow then to Washington in a bid to push through a UN Security Resolution for a new ceasefire in Syria. Ayrault began his shuttle diplomacy with stern condemnation of the […]

Does Syria Have the Right to Defend Itself?

There is a hypocritical disconnect in Western and especially U.S. foreign policy. When it comes to Israel, the US is quick to claim “Israel has a right to defend itself”.  For Syria, that same right does not seem to exist.
Is Israel Defending Itself or Defending Occupation/Apartheid?
When Israel executed intense bombing campaigns against Gaza in 2008, 2012 and 2014 the US justified the attacks. At the United Nations on 18 July 2014, US Ambassador Samantha Power said:

Don’t Give the Nobel Prize 2016 to Syrian White Helmets

Syria Solidarity Movement | October 3, 2016 On 29 April, 2016, Syria Solidarity Movement member Vanesa Beeley placed the following petition on  On or about 27 September, removed the petition, citing “violation of community standards”.  What community standards? Judge for yourself. DO NOT GIVE THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 2016 TO THE SYRIAN WHITE […]

Moscow says US failed to separate rebels from terrorists in response to US ultimatum over Syria

RT | September 28, 2016 The US holds Russia responsible for the violence in Aleppo and is threatening to break off all cooperation with Moscow in Syria, the State Department said. Russia is asking the US to live up to its obligation to separate US-backed opposition from terrorists. In a phone conversation with the Russian […]

Wealthy Gulf states may arm Syrian rebels to ‘get the Russians to back off’ – US officials

RT | September 27, 2016 With the Syria ceasefire in tatters, there is a growing possibility that wealthy Gulf states might arm Syrian rebels, looking to shield themselves from Syrian and Russian warplanes, with shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles, according to a report. One US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that Washington has kept […]

10 Facts About Aleppo

Ikhras | August 5, 2016 Building on an over five-year, almost entirely fictional narrative about a popular uprising in Syria, recent developments on the ground in Aleppo have triggered a new propaganda blitz complete with a new set of provable lies. The following are ten facts about Aleppo that must be accepted by any objective, […]