
Will Trump Dump The Wahabbi Autocrats?

By Caleb Maupin – New Eastern Outlook – 20.11.2016 US leaders almost always justify their foreign policy with words about “democracy” and “human rights.” Especially when talking about the Middle East, the insincerity of such words are blatantly obvious. While US leaders criticize Iran and Syria for alleged human rights violations, the entire world can […]

US, British ‘Clean House’ to Delete Syria Terror Links

By Finian CUNNINGHAM | Strategic Culture Foundation | 14.11.2016 US President Barack Obama has just given the Pentagon orders to assassinate commanders of the Al Nusra terror network in Syria. American media reports over the weekend say the new urgency arises from US intelligence fears that al Qaeda-affiliated groups are preparing to mount terror attacks against Western […]

Inside the Invisible Government: War, Propaganda, Clinton and Trump

The American journalist, Edward Bernays, is often described as the man who invented modern propaganda.
The nephew of Sigmund Freud, the pioneer of psycho-analysis, it was Bernays who coined the term “public relations” as a euphemism for spin and its deceptions.
In 1929, he persuaded feminists to promote cigarettes for women by smoking in the New York Easter Parade – behaviour then considered outlandish. One feminist, Ruth Booth, declared, “Women! Light another torch of freedom! Fight another sex taboo!”

Watch Maria Zakharova Tear Anti-Russia/Syria Propaganda Apart…

Don’t usually share just videos or short posts, but this footage is worth sharing: particularly in the context of yesterday’s post on the escalating anti-Russia campaign in Western media. In this video, Maria Zakharova, the Russian Foreign Affairs spokesperson, gets visibly annoyed at a journalist who asks her the familiar Washington-scripted question: why is Russia […]

US climbs down on Syria

By M K Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline | October 13, 2016 The Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interview with the French TV this week almost entirely dwelt on the Syrian situation – fighting in Aleppo, in particular. Putin was frank about the US’ doublespeak – especially, its covert dealings with Nusra, the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, […]