Al Franken

Patrick Murphy's Money Problems

Al Franken hasn't been a bad Senator... unless you were expecting a real fire-breathing progressive champion like Elizabeth Warren or Jeff Merkley. He votes well enough... and that's more than you can say for 10 Senate Democrats who have F-rated voting records or even for the half dozen who are C-rated. And you can't really blame Franken for the political calculus that saw him jump on the Hillary Clinton bandwagon. Even far better Democrats than he stepped into that open pit sewer. But...

Momentum Grows For Iran Deal-- Despite Schumer/AIPAC Threats

AIPAC whore Chuck Schumer has cemented his alliance with Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) and other reactionaries who want to lead the U.S. into a war with Iran, by working the phones-- not just Senate colleagues, but frightened House Democrats as well who are being threatened with political extermination by AIPAC bullies.

LIONEL PODCAST: Revenge Porn Statutes Are Per Se Unconstitutional

Tell me what you see.
What is this? Is it revenge porn? Is it someone posting the documentation of how proud he is to be associated with a sylph of this nubility? Is it sextortion? Is it a retweet of a picture sent from the lass contained therein? It’s the motivation of the poster that determines in great part the criminal exposure (pun intended) and therein lies the problem.