Al Franken

"This Moment Is Bigger Than The Democrats Or The Republicans"

I like Al Franken well enough. He's not my favorite senator but he certainly has a great voting record-- ProgressivePunch rates him a strong, solid "A" and his lifetime crucial vote score is 95.69, pretty much identical to Bernie Sanders', Jeff Merkley's, Dick Durbin's... right between Kirsten Gillibrand's and Tammy Baldwin's. Last time I saw him, I was leaving Cafe Gratitude and he was just entering. I introduced him to Randy Bryce and he stood and gave Randy a lot of generous advice...

Al “Frankenstein” hit with two more accusations of “touching” and “groping”

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Article first appeared on RPT.

Let's Face It, Men Are Pigs

For society, the sexual harassment scandals should be about two things:1- mending the patriarchal environment we live in to change, over the long-term, the way men think they are entitled to behave2- (a corollary)- dealing very harshly with instances of men using power relationships to prey on people dependent on them for careersI used to be an astrologer. I studied it in Amsterdam, took it very seriously.

A Questionable Allegation and the WaPo Smear That Followed

Opinion — Leeann Tweeden has alleged that Senator Al Franken forcibly kissed her under the guise of rehearsing for their USO tour show in 2006.  Sen. Franken was a comedian at the time and headlined the show.
If the story was correctly recounted, and Sen. Franken has not contradicted it, then Tweeden’s story about the forced kiss is classic sexual harassment. Franken used his position in the work environment to force a sexual encounter, albeit in a far less intrusive way than some of the charges against Harvey Weinstein and President Donald Trump.

Before Weinstein, Spacey, Franken, Rose and others, there was the Franklin Coverup

In case all these reports of sexual assault are just mid-level transgressions, as a distraction away from more organized, worse crimes — before all these latest revelations, there was the Franklin Coverup. I don’t know about you, but the threatened sentences that were initially put out for witnesses allegedly lying about being used in a […]

Leeann Tweeden on Al Franken: “I’ve gotten a phone call from a woman that says something similar has happened to her”

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Democrat Senato​r Al Franken​ Is Accused of ​Sexually Assaulting Female Radio Show Host

Senator Al Franken is​ accused of sexually assaulting radio host, Leeann Tweedon, who says he forced his tongue into her mouth while they were rehearsing a kiss, and later photographed himself groping her while she was asleep. He volunteered to be investigated by an ethics committee, in a ploy to put the issue out of sight long enough so that the public forgets about it. [...]