Al Awda

Freedom Flotilla Activist: Israeli Soldiers Beat Us, Stripped Us, Then Robbed Us

(MEMO) — Founding trustee of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) Dr Swee Ang was on board the Al-Awda boat sailing to break the illegal Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip when occupation forces commandeered the vessel. In a personal testimony Ang outlines the violent treatment the unarmed activists received at the hands of heavily armed Israeli soldiers in international […]

Gaza ‘Freedom Flotilla’ Ship Violently Seized by Israeli Soldiers

(CN) — Israeli soldiers in international waters boarded the Al Awda ship headed to Gaza to deliver relief supplies on Sunday, detaining everyone on board after beating and tasering some passengers, according to an eyewitness account. Only two of the 22 passengers on the ship have been released, with the rest being held in Givon prison in Israel, the […]