
US Ambassador to Israel Poses with Photoshopped Image Depicting Jewish Temple Replacing Mosque

US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman was yesterday photographed posing with a picture of Jerusalem in which a Jewish temple stands in place of Al-Aqsa Mosque.
The photo of Freidman being gifted the poster was taken during a visit to the city of Bnei Brak’s ultra-Orthodox Achiya institute, which helps children that suffer from learning disabilities.
US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman poses with a picture of the ‘Third Temple’ which Zionists wish to build on the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on May 22, 2018 (Twitter)

Netanyahu Wants To Expel Al Jazeera From Israel Over Unfavorable Coverage

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks as he visits a settlement construction site in Har Homa, east Jerusalem, March 16, 2015.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said late Wednesday he wants to expel Qatari broadcaster Al Jazeera from Israel amid tensions over a sensitive Jerusalem holy site.
“The Al Jazeera channel continues to incite violence around the Temple Mount,” Netanyahu wrote in a Facebook post, referring to the Haram al-Sharif compound in Jerusalem, known to Jews as the Temple Mount.

Amid Mounting Tenions, Israeli Settlers Storm al-Aqsa Mosque In Jerusalem

Israeli settlers inside al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. (Photo: Silwanic)
A group of 137 Israeli settlers stormed Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa Mosque on Wednesday morning according to a media official from the Islamic Waqf department in Jerusalem.
Firas Aldbs said that the intrusions took place through the Dung Gate in the western wall of al-Aqsa Mosque, which is controlled by the Israeli police.
Dozens of settlers stormed al-Aqsa Mosque and arrested 20 Palestinians in various parts of the West Bank on Tuesday night on charges of resisting the occupation.

Israel closes news site focusing on Al-Aqsa

MEMO | October 17, 2016 Qpress, a media centre specialising in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa affairs, has been closed by Israeli authorities. After being questioned and banned from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque last week, the head of the news organisation, Dr Hekmat Na’amna, was informed that Qpress was being shut down in accordance with a military decision […]

Highlighting Israeli violations of a world heritage site is not ‘inflammatory’, UNESCO, it’s a duty

By Nasim Ahmed | MEMO | October 15, 2016 A draft decision by UNESCO, which criticises Israel’s activities at holy places in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem, has been denounced by Israeli officials. “It ignores thousands of years of Jewish ties to Jerusalem and aids Islamist terror,” claimed Education Minister Naftali Bennett very dramatically. […]

Extremist Jewish group calls for demolition of Dome of the Rock

Ma’an – December 10, 2015 BETHLEHEM – An extremist Jewish organization on Thursday invited Israeli right-wing activists to participate in a rally calling for the destruction of the Dome of the Rock, Hebrew-language Israeli news sites reported. The Temple Institute — dedicated to building the Third Jewish Temple in the place of the Dome of […]

Israel’s descent into unmasked, right wing extremism: A new generation rises to fight occupation, settler-colonialism, apartheid

Hundreds of Jewish protesters tried to block Greek Orthodox Christians from entering King David’s Tomb in the Old City of Jerusalem The site also is sacred to Christians who believe that Jesus' Last Supper took place on the second floor of the tomb. Getty Images


This Palestinian resistance is a spontaneous reaction to the most racist, far-right government in Israel’s history