First Senate bill of 2019 would give Israel billions of dollars, combat BDS, and rebut Trump’s Syria withdrawal

Marco Rubio’s career has been funded by pro-Israel billionaires such as Normal Braman, Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson, and Larry Ellison. (Photo from Politico ) By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | January 6, 2019 According to Marco Rubio, the first bill the 2019 U.S. Senate will take up is one that is focused on Israel. […]

First Senate bill of 2019 aims to protect Israel from boycott, report reveals

America last? U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) at the AIPAC policy conference in Washington, DC, U.S., March 6, 2018. © Reuters / Brian Snyder RT | January 6, 2019 With the start of the 2019 legislative session, one might hope the US Senate would prioritize ending the two-week government shutdown. Instead, the Senate’s first bill […]

AIPAC Takes Newly Elected Congress Members, CNN’s Setmayer on Propaganda Trips to Israel

By Alison Weir | Information Clearing House | January 3, 2019 Newly elected Congressional Reps David Trone, Dan Crenshaw, Elaine Goodman Luria, Tim Burchett, Denver Riggleman, and Susie Lee on a December 2018 AIPAC trip to Israel. AIPAC’s educational arm spends about $10,000 a piece on these trips. By using a nonprofit entity, the Israel […]

As Israel crimes on Gaza border hit zenith, US backs bill targeting Palestinian anti-occupation leaders

Palestine Information Center – December 12, 2018 RAMALLAH – The US House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a bill that would target for sanctions Hamas resistance movement and Hezbollah over allegations of using civilians as human shields, guaranteeing that it will become law, JTA reported. The bill describes Hamas and Hezbollah groups as “repeated” practitioners […]

On Israel-Palestine, Four Newly Elected Progressives Vary in Willingness to Walk the Walk

WASHINGTON – As a result of the midterm election, four recently elected women affiliated with the democratic-socialist PAC Justice Democrats will soon be striding through Capitol Hill as full-fledged members of Congress. These four women – Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley – have all been touted as “progressive” game-changers for having avoided corporate money during their primaries and for supporting policies like Medicare-for-all and abolishing ICE, among others.

AIPAC Affiliated Group Targets ‘Pacific Progressive Leaders’ for Israel Propaganda Trips

An Israel lobby organization is taking “Pacific Northwest Progressive Leaders” to Israel this week on an all-expense-paid propaganda trip to Israel. Another group just returned on December 2nd from a similar trip, officially billed as an “Educational Seminar in Israel for Southern Pacific Progressive Leaders.” No one will divulge the rosters.

Rand Paul Blocks $38-Billion in Aid to Israel. Says US Cannot Subsidize the Country Forever

AIPAC bought ads on Facebook complaining of Paul's hold on the funds while CUFI, Christians United for Israel, a Christian-Zionist organization, launched an email campaign to pressure the senator to back away from is position. Paul says he wants time limits on assistance to Israel and cuts in aid to countries that are hostile to the US.

The Truth About Israeli Influence on US Foreign Policy by Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson served as Secretary of State and Colin Powell’s chief of staff, and through his experience in Washington, he is able to demonstrate how Israel’s influence over the U.S. has affected America’s strategic approach toward the Middle East. This is part of a fascinating panel discussion on Israel’s influence on foreign policy, with Dale Sprusansky, moderator for the conference event entitled, “Israel’s Influence: Good or Bad for America?” held in Washington, DC on March 18, 2016 at the National Press Club.