The “Israel First” Industry & CEO Profiteering

Israel Lobby: The Bully, Blackmail & Blacklist Politics against Critics of Israel and its Zionist Appendages
During the first half of the 20th century, socially conscious Jews in the United States organized a large network of solidarity and charity associations financed mostly through small donations, raffles, dues by working and lower middle class supporters.

16 Democrats Ready To Join Republicans In Selling Out American National Interests

Who's afraid of AIPAC? Apparently a shitload of craven Democrats in the U.S. Senate. So far 59 senators have signed on as co-sponsors of legislation that was ostensibly written by 2 non-Jewish AIPAC shills, Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL) but initiated by Joe Lieberman and Israel's far right Likud Party and clearly meant to torpedo the peace process.

Israel’s appalling crime-sheet for 2013…Friends of yours, Mr Cameron?

Killed 56, injured 1385, carried out 8636 raids and attacks, demolished 172 homes…

 by Stuart Littlewood
The Palestinian Embassy, for once, has done something useful and released figures that paint a shocking picture of Israel’s mega-crimes against their helpless Palestinian neighbours over the past year.

10 Good Things about the Year 2013

It would be easy to make a list of 10 bad things—wars, government shut-down, drone attacks, lack of progress on immigrant rights, lousy health-care reform. But it’s also been a year of extraordinary activism: whistleblowers, DREAMers, Walmart workers, peacemakers, gay rights advocates, garment workers. As the year ends, let’s pay tribute to the good things their efforts have wrought.

AIPAC’s Exploding Christmas Gift To Obama

by MJ Rosenberg
Just when President Obama was starting to believe that it was safe to go back into the water, the lobby has come out with a new Iran sanctions bill designed to torpedo negotiations with Iran. And, once that is accomplished, it provides for automatic U.S military backing for Israel if Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu decides to bomb.